Burn the Bridges
Posted on July 27, 2019 by Aditya Kuchibhotla, One of Thousands of Business Coaches on Noomii.
It's challenging to form new habits - below are some tips to help in while forming a new habit.
Do you know the biggest casualties at the start of any new year?
“New Year Resolutions"
Not kidding. This is precisely why most of the gyms see a spike in their revenues at the beginning of any new year.
By the end of a few weeks, most of the resolutions are either dead or on their death bed.
So, how would you be successful with any resolution that you take or any habit that you want to form?
Well, there are many ways but I’ll give you two of them. Feel free to share your way of forming new habits in the comments section.
Pick a Partner: Identify a person who has a need similar to yours and get her to partner with you. That way, you both become accountable for the success of one another.
Burn the Bridges: Identify those who make fun of you when you fail or people who push you. Go to them, brag about your resolution and tell them how confident you are about achieving it. What this does is – the fear of someone making fun of you or the pressure exerted by your well-wishers will ensure that you will stick to the resolution. In short, you’re closing down all the escape routes.
By choosing one of the above, you’re creating an effective external support system to sustain in the initial days of forming a habit. Once it becomes a habit, the support system is no longer needed.
What’s your mantra?