Conversations from My Higher Self
Posted on January 17, 2010 by Kimberly Brenner, One of Thousands of Relationship Coaches on Noomii.
If your Soul could talk what would it tell you? Listen in on a conversation with my Soul.
Conversation from My Higher Self
It is a misnomer to think that I Am man or I Am woman because I Am. The concept has been lost because when I made you and all creatures I made one first and when I saw that diversity was missing I made another not like the first, this was all I did. There was a divine plan in it. It was never my intention to make man and woman so as to confuse you to who I Am. I have tried to tell you that I Am everything, so why would you not think that I Am woman. For I Am that bird, that blade of grass, that frog, and I Am you. See your place through my eyes, my heart, my mind, for I Am forever and so are you. What you think, feel, and do is forever. Some have energy that is stronger, some wider. The depth and the breath of your energy is up to you. You decide what you do with it. For some it is used to harm, for some it is used to heal, again I say it is up to you. I Am not to interfere. I Am the good parent that allows you to use your free will. I Am pure love, unconditional love, unconditional freedom, unconditional freewill. When you pray for strength, courage, peace, guidance it is not for me to give it you, for I have already given it unto you, and you have forgotten you already have it. Praying for it only perpetuates the shadow that it’s missing. If you ask, “then why are so many people praying for these attributes?” I say it is because you do not choose to create it. When a bird needs strength to fly it is there, when a fish needs courage to swim faster than their predator it is there, and when the chimps call for peace amongst the other animals in the jungle they create it. And yet you, with all I gave you, choose not to believe that you have everything you need to create your hearts desire. Your freewill has grown arrogant and has made you forget. Your knowing has been shadowed and I Am sad. Oh yes, I can be sad for I Am everything. I do not feel the sad you feel for I Am the everything sad. When you are here with me you will understand what I Am saying, for here you become the I Am and we share the O E (One Experience), for here, in this space, before creation, is only one, here there is no more diversity. Love is my language of accepting all there is. Judgment has become your language and judgment is the energy of death. You have made yourself dead to Me by your judgments and I Am here to awaken you. Awake you must to be alive in the I Am. I have seen those who have awakened and they have been judged by you. Beware of the man, woman, or child who judge those who cannot and will not judge back. You are only bringing more death to you by doing so. I watch those who say I Love You then act unloving. This makes no sense to Me. are you all liars? Is there no truth in your words? Why do you get angry at a child for saying I Hate You and it is the truth. And then seem pleased when they say I Love You, I’m sorry, when they are lying. It is because you have become a liar and can only resonate with the lie and only want to hear the lie to make you feel better. I Am gave you freewill and you choose to take it away from others so you can feel the power that would come from using your own freewill. You are now drunk with the feeling you get when you take away another’s free will and bind them to your will so you may feel good. This will only lead to your death. The water flows in the direction it needs to flow. It does not flow up, that would not make sense. Nor would it make sense if animals talked. There is an order to things. I Am the beginning of all such order. However I Am in all of you that are listening and the I Am in you is the beginning of your own created order. Look around you and see the order that you have begun. Does it please you? Are you not happy with your creation? If no, then begin again. There are those who began from the desire to have more and they are pleased because they have made their desire real. Have they not shown you that creation is your birthright? Then why have you been squandering that birthright? Awaken to begin your creation, it sings to you in your dreams, it comes to you. Are you so fearful that you do not see it, does it not stir in you heart and soul? Yes, your soul. Your soul guides you. Have you forgotten how to listen to your soul? Here is how you can listen to your soul. Place your right hand over your heart, place your left hand over your solar plexus or what you know as your belly button and say I AM WITH YOU and listen.I Am Has a Message
It is time to awaken, to listen to your soul. The I Am of your soul knows the way home. Practice the exercise given to you; it will start the energy process. Once you and your soul are awaken in harmony I Am prepared to do the rest. Be assured your soul knows what to do, for this way has been done forever. What is asked of you is to surrender to the I Am. It is not the kind of surrender that will render you powerless, so be not worried. For you are allowing your all powerful soul and the I Am to bring you home. Do you not surrender to your vehicle to bring you home? Do you not drive yourself home? Prepare you must, say the words I Am With You and the activation has begun. Once activated sit back and let your soul find the way back home. Begin to focus on your real home. The world in which you experience your earthy life is not your home; it is the gift that I Am has given you to feel and create. Your experiences will become one within Me. We shall enjoy every moment, each and every living moment from your experience while on your planet. Do not be afraid. I Am can hear your thoughts. You are thinking, what about those acts of murder and rape and the most heinous of crimes? Will those moments come too? For now your mind and heart judge all of that, however here in one mind there is no judgment. Here those acts are but a thought with out feeling, what you call a negative. You shall know the true meaning of forgiveness and compassion. I Am sensing your uncomfortable and you know that I Am understanding of this. It has been the energy that has kept your mind inside the box for millenniums. Again I ask, surrender and listen to your soul. You will find your soul speaks of knowingness and not discomfort and then you shall know the truth. I Am waits for you. Talking with your soul is the same as being here with me. For the Soul and I are one. It is your Soul that shall reunite with the one and the Soul knows only the path home and if we choose death (judgement) the Soul will still return home without all experiences. The experiences that make who you are and you shall be lost for you cannot live without your Soul but your soul can live without you, for the Soul and I Am are for ever. It is I that gives you Eternal Life, not your experiences. Surrender to the I Am – your Soul. I Am gives you everything, there is nothing I Am denies you and yet you choose to listen to the you that chooses death and not ever lasting life. Ask your Soul “what do you want me to do?” and hear my voice, the Soul will guide you back to your Garden of Eden. And once there not only shall you hear Me, you shall see me as well. For I Am the face of everything and everyone.Your Soul has a unique way of communicating. You cannot talk to your soul you can only listen. Only I Am talks to your Soul, the Soul listens to the I Am. You may talk to the I Am, and the I Am listens. You cannot listen to the I Am, for the I Am talks to you thru your Soul. It would be maddening for the I Am to talk directly to you for you are not awakened and would only hear the message distorted and become angry. You are more willing to listen to your Soul for your Soul speaks to you in ways that your body, mind, and emotions can interpret. The Soul becomes the go-between for Soul and the I Am form the messaging system because we are one. Do you remember a movie named Close Encounters of the Third Kind? Remember the panel that would light up and register the sound that came from the ship. This is the representation of the messaging system of which I am speaking. When you are listening to your Soul you will experience light and sound and you are best to respond in kind so as to have the Mother ship open up for you. I Am waiting.
No where does it say that I Am not with in. You must know we are not separate. For those who feel I AM has forsaken you, your heart has turned cold and you choose not to see me but I Am with you. You are like the child whose eyes are closed saying I can’t see you Mommy. Just open your eyes I Am there. How can you doubt this when there is creation all around you? Look at what I created, look at what you created. You deny Me when you are unhappy with what you created and blame me. You turn your back on me when something does not go your way. Your arrogance in believing you know better than I Am knows. I Am knows when death is upon you or environmental disasters will occur but I Am not the cause of such things for even the air around and the ground beneath you has freewill and yet you make it your slave to accommodate what you create and when it reacts you feel devastated and are blind to the message. You must work together it says and only a few hear it. Go lie down on the earth and feel her, travel with your mind like the bird and experience the air and then, tell me I Am not with you. You can’t. Everything I Am made is yours. I Am holds nothing back. Everything I Am has can become yours. It is your choice. I Am offers everlasting life or death. This message has been distorted also, along with so many of my words. You have decided to call my choices heaven or hell. They are what you created for all I Am doing is offering ever lasting life or a life of nothing, no existence for eternity. Life is having all that I made and all that you have made. Death is to have none of that. It is like your Black Hole. Nothing is in it and that is what will be for you when you do not follow your soul. Why has been difficult to follow my thoughts, to think as I do, to understand as I do, which is what the Soul shall teach you. The Soul can talk to you in ways you can listen. Go in peace and know I Am with you. Again I say unto you I Am ever lasting life and if you choose this than listen as your soul guides you to Me. I AM WITH YOU. Say this daily and you will be with me. No one knows all the answers because the answer is given once the question is posed and no one is asking all the questions. So it becomes important to put all the answers together as if it were a large painting. Each artist can paint only what they see in the way they see it and when you put all the paintings in one room you begin to see the broader pictures. The truth lies in all of them regardless of how different they appear to be. You look for the contradictions but I say unto you they each hold the truth. The artist will tell you “That is how I saw it” and therefore it is true. This is the same for My answers to your questions about Me. You will put all the answers in one room and begin to see the broader message of what I Am teaching you and all is true it just depends on the question. Searching for the one truth leads to judgment and judgment leads to separation. Come to Me as One. Allow for perception, allow for those who believe their belief is true. Hold no condescension in your heart. I Am with (all of) you. There is a picture of what people are calling God’s Eye. It’s a combination of gases in space that form what looks like an eye. I Am has not done that, the matter has decided to come together to form such a pattern. It is like that tree, I did not form that tree, it did that. As it grew the tree decided which way to grow and how much to grow. It senses what it needs from itself. It reads the resources and decides. You are like that tree. You use your resources and decide which way to grow. Your freewill allows you to decide which resources you will use. For that tree is limited to whatever resources are at hand. For you if you do not like the way your pattern is shaped you can move to another resource and change. That is your freewill but your fears stop you from knowing that your choices are limitless for I have given you everything and I let you choose your way. I Am not the cause of your life, just as I Am not the cause of how that tree grows or how those gases formed that pattern. I Am With You but I Am not the cause. Come to me for all that you are is Me. You have identified yourself as separate for too long, come to Me. This too has been misunderstood. Many have come to Me on your knees with hands together and have bowed, this was never what I wanted. I Am reminds you that you are Me and I ask, “come to Me, return to the Me within you. Follow your soul to me. Perhaps a better way to say it is become to Me for it is in your being that the Me unfolds. You will either see Me or what is not me in your being. Become your being Me and I Am With You. Stay With Me To be as the Higher Power, Jesus, God, Christ, Buddha, Mohammad, To Think as they do, to act as they do, to never make excuses, to never make mistakes has been confused with being human. To Be as human has clouded to think as the One. How can you be both has been the same question as the distinction between science and religion (faith). To be as human is like science, to be as One is like faith. There is a quickening towards each of these coming together. Science is proving faith and faith is proving science. I Am telling you Human and One are coming together. Human is proving the One and the One is proving the Human.I Am With You is my message to you
It is the one call you need to make to reach your soul and find your way home. For those who think this message has something to do with 2012 it does and it does not. There is no plan for a mass exodus, no first born child shall be killed, no angle of death shall ride thru and take you, however you shall be marked as awaken or not and those awaken shall feel my presence and no matter what happens they shall not be afraid, what ever happens will be accepted and you shall say I Wanted This and then you are with me for all I Am has created only good, and you shall feel the same way. I Am With You, You cannot say it enough. The minds you have have forgotten and now need to awaken in this experience. To experience that I Am With and the I Am you are is With Me. Believe that this affirmation shall change you for it is the conscious awakening of your soul. When you were in My Garden you knew your soul and no creature was your enemy for the soul cannot be frightened or threatened. When you choose to believe you were separate from Me the animals were afraid of you. This fear lead to feeling the power of your body/mind not your soul and you forgot who you really are. It was an experience you wanted for you always knew what you were doing. Now it is time to come home. To remember again that all the pleasures of My Garden are right in front of you. Do not think that all the negative experiences was not My Garden, they were, you either choose to not participate or not. Whatever your eyes and heart is focused on is what you see. It is time to focus on being the One. It wasn’t in your consciousness until you separated from the One and created all that comes from separation. Have you not learned that in any separation comes fear and it is the fear that manifests all this that you have created that you want to get away from. In knowing you are not separate comes wholeness and gone are the thoughts that is the cause of suffering. One religion is not separate from another and by doing so people suffer even when they think they are honoring me, they are not honoring the One. For the One is just that, the One and I Am With All of You. In those moments when I Am wanted to separate from all you were creating I Am sent waves of my fear, fear that you would return to Me. This caused me sadness and My choice was to only show you love and have patience and honor your free will. I Am asking the same from you. Replace fear with love and allow freewill and know I Am With You and we shall be together again in My Garden. To achieve is not the ultimate. There are those who have scaled the corporate ladder and reached the top only to feel empty waiting for something else. The ultimate is too create, which is why you leave a high paying job to go out on your own and create what is in your heart, then it is in this creating that you are happy. I Am always happy because I Am always creating. I Am creates then you. I Am has millions of happiness. I Am lives thru you and your creation. I Am learned how to multiply my happiness. Those companies that have learned to do this are companies that are most successful in every way. To ask an employee what do you want to create means handing over the controls and for some this is near impossible but if you do not your business hides behind the sun. You cannot control others by stifling their creativity. Do not be afraid of loosing control for in each person’s creativity your business will develop in way you could have never imagined. I Am a writer to this. There is so much prosperity all around you and yet you are afraid and ungenerous. You can give and give and give and I Am will give more. But it is in Me that you doubt. You see that even generous people may not have, but what you failed to see is what they have within. I Am once told you that the Kingdom of Heaven is within. Only you know your true happiness with in. Do not think your prosperity is outside you, your money, your house, your possessions for this is not the prosperity I Am gives to you. Pray all that you want for things, I Am does not answer. Express you already have it for it is in the now that happiness lives. “I Have Everything I Need” You do not and will never have everything you want. When you take on a task you will have what you need. So I say, you take all that I have and do something with it, for you will have everything you need. Imagine a world you want to create and you will have everything to make it happen. This has always been my gift to you; this has always been the Garden of Eden.Kimberly Brenner LCSW, BCD
Intuitive psychotherapist and energy traveler