The Four Paths of Subconscious Healing
Posted on July 13, 2019 by Deepak Varma, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Subconscious healing is a journey. Like all outer journeys transform us, this inner journey also transforms us. Where does this journey take us?
It is a journey. Like all outer journeys transform us, this inner journey also transforms us. Where does this journey take us… Deep into our subconscious.
Past-life therapy is regression therapy that accepts when clients relive experiences apparently from before the present life and works with such experiences.
Regressionists discovered past lifetimes by coincidence. Instead of suggesting: “go back to the moment in your childhood when… ,” they gave the suggestion: “go back to the first time when….. ” Often then followed a traumatic death experience in an other time, an other country, even in a body of the other sex. Sometimes reliving and expressing this event was sufficient to heal stubborn problems.
Of course, many problems are caused in the present life. Even when the cause would lie in a apparent previous life, it has become interwoven with the present life. So, past-life therapists work in four fields of experience:
1. The present life, including the apparently forgotten first years of childhood.
2. The WOMB: time between conception and birth. The birth experience is often the most consequential, but some pre-birth experiences can also have lifelong consequences, like a tentative abortion.
3. Previous lifetimes. Usually, traumatic death is the most penetrating experience. Then much remains undigested, especially when fear and pain, intense emotions or anesthesia narrow our mind.
4. The period between death and the next birth. When we remain strongly tied to our body, our home, our job, or our nearest, we can after death linger near our body or the place where we lived. This is filled with a wisdom beyond this world.