The Quest for Belonging
Posted on July 05, 2019 by Elvira Kraemer, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Why I coach Global Nomads. A dive into my roots and purpose.
#homeiswithin #knowthyself #identity #globalnomads #TCK #crossculture #expat
For a Global Nomad the question „where are you from“ has normally more than one answer.
Maybe that is why we have a greater need to find our roots, home, the essence of ourself because the social concept of a nation has let us down and left us with the belief that we are foreign, outsiders that do not belong or fit in. It challenges our existence, our identity.
With Coaching Global Nomads I follow my vision of a global sense of belonging on the basis of humanity and therefore diversity. Where we not only tolerate and accept each other but where we celebrate and embrace our similarities and differences, so peace can become a reality.
I believe that Global Nomads are connecting the world and bringing it a little closer by the mere existence of entering a new system/culture/country. By doing so, we are all exposed to new views and beliefs, we get to know each other better and ourselves and realize that deep down we are all the same. We share the same fears and human needs.
Through the connection with other Global Nomads I had found a sense of belonging in my late teens, a similar search, a similar struggle and most importantly people who could relate and understand. My search did not stop though, it was the understanding of myself, the „who am I“, the purpose question that no one externally could give me. The connection to myself that I was looking for – the home within.
This is why I coach Global Nomads on an identity level, so you get to know yourself/your roots better. The more we know ourselves and know how to change within, the more we can accept and connect with others to have a positive impact in this world.
In my experience, life decisions are mostly challenging or tough because of conflicting values or limiting beliefs. When you are aligned with yourself, that is when decisions become easy because you see the bigger picture of where you want to head in life. It is this moment, when you feel liberated and free.
Be Free,