Eliminating Bullying with S.W.A.G
Posted on April 27, 2011 by Jeanelle Marshawn Lanham, One of Thousands of Family Coaches on Noomii.
Eliminating Bullying in the lives of Teenagers. Every day teenagers encounter bullying but with the right tools they can overcome!
Every day there is 1 in 3 teenagers who are being bullied. Teenagers encounter bullying at home, school and online. They experience it from those who call themselves friends as well as those who have authority over them causing some teens to beleive this is how it should be and its not. Bullying is something that won’t go away, there will always be good & evil so instead of spending a lot of energy on Stopping Bullying lets help your teenager eliminate bullying out of their lives by Empowering them to Talk & Walk with S.W.A.G (S.trength W.isdom A.ssurance & G.reatness).
Being a teenager is a new experience; the brain starts to mature and grow in certain areas causing teenagers to Think and Behave differently (Psychology Today 1999). Hormones start to come in to play causing their bodies to change and this in itself can be devistating. It can be a scary time for most and when a teenager is already concerned about how they look and why their thoughts are out of control they shouldn’t have to encounter bullying from others because as quiet as its kept they are already bullying themselves. They are already comparing themselves to others not realizing they are special in their own right. The teenage years are a crucial time and should be the time when parents should use the 7 years our children are teenagers as a time to teach them about their worth; we should encourage them to accept who they are and who they are becoming.
Teenagers are unsure about who they are but when parents, teachers or any adult in authority make know their good qualities that teenager will start to Walk with S.W.A.G. They need to be reminded of what they bring to the world. We all have something special about us but not all of us can see that something for ourselves; likewise with teenagers, they need to be told how great they are. Teenagers need to be told “good job” “you are really doing well today” and “I Love You” to give a few examples! I know this seems too simple to work but it does if you work it. We can not assume teenagers know they are loved because MOST of the time they are told how “teens are a minace” to society, and they are not. All of us our a product of the Words we see, say and hear which creates the Thoughts we have about ourselves, creating the Emotions or Feelings we have about who we are or arent. Our Feelings affect the way make Decisions causing us to Act or Behave a certain way and the more we Act a certain way we start to create Habits (good or bad). Once a Habit is formed so is our Character ultimately taking us to a Destination. So as a parent, guardian, or teacher what you Say to a teenager is important; you are either encouraging their S.W.A.G or hendering it. The more they Hear positive things about themselves (even in a negative situation) the more they will start to accept who they are not letting the words of bullies change what they know about themselves.
Teenagers can eliminate bullying by not letting it get to them. Yes that is easier said than done (at this moment) BUT with practice of walkng in S.W.A.G./the Confidence of who they are the bullying will cease to affect them at all. By them reminding themselves of who they are through Daily Declarations they will build up a resistance to it. They will start to Talk & Walk with S.W.A.G. causing the bully to stop bullying them because they see its not affective anymore!
Today have a talk with your teenager(s), ask them to write down 10 things about themselves they know to be true and great. Have them write them down on post-it notes, or a white board, or anywhere they will see them daily. Once they have them written down go over them together. Set up a time for the both of you say them out loud and watch your teenagers view of themselves change for the positive!
Empowering Teens,
Dr. Jeanelle Marshawn – The S.W.A.G. Doc