Award Shows aka Who Has The Best PR Agent
Posted on June 09, 2019 by Bri Zackery, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Life after winning your Tony Award
The Tony Awards are on this weekend. The entertainment industry is an interesting group. We love the glamour and attention on one hand and most often are the most conflicted bunch of folks on the planet. We subject ourselves to rejection, whether at an audition, pitch session, or leveraging funding with an investor. Our lives, our dreams, are squashed more often than most. We need to be accepted – hence one award show after the other, to fuel that need.
So why subject yourself to all that agony? Certainly not to win a Tony Award or any other. No, we don’t do this because we want to win. We do this because we are passionate, sensitive beings. We do this because we are so moved by an experience that it is our responsibility to share it with the world. We are so in touch with our senses, that we become elevated when we write or act. There is no time – no space – when we create. Just pure joy.
If you are working on a film or getting ready for an audition and dreading every moment, then it’s time to get back to the joy. Get to the source. I won’t tell you that writing 1000 words a day will get that completed. Or studying Lee Strasberg will make you a better actor. You already know the how to. But I will help you uncover the why. Why do I procrastinate? Why do I freeze at a pitch session? Learn to dig deep to reveal that inciting incident that is causing you pain. The question is, will you find joy when you win your Tony Award?