The Power of Social Media
Posted on June 03, 2019 by Jared Young, One of Thousands of Entrepreneurship Coaches on Noomii.
This is why we're addicted to our phones.
Have you ever heard a father, mother, or grandmother say, “Don’t be afraid. I’ll always be with you?”
I love that phrase. I love knowing the things I’ve shared with the amazing people I’ve had in my life will stay with me. Each moment and each lesson I learn is mine to call upon when I need it. Each moment of joy is mine to revisit and bask in for as long as I may choose to do it. I love how connected I am with everyone I’ve met and loved.
I know social media has it’s dangers and drawbacks. But, I love that it makes that phrase, “I’ll always be with you.” a little more tangible. I love that I not only have the memory of who my dad was growing up with me as I go through life I also have my dad today! I have the ways he’s changed and the further lessons he’s learned in my pocket, a click and a phone call away.
I love that I can still talk to my Marines. I’ve read stories about troops that spent 30 years apart before they were able to share a dinner. I know my Marine’s kids. Without being able to see them because we’re still scattered around the country, I still get to share their moments. I get to shout congratulations when another baby is on the way. I get to have a beer with my best friends from a million miles away when they’re having a hard day.
In a way that has never been possible before my loved ones will always be with me! I love the power of Social Media!