A Whole New World – Coaching Jewels from the Movie Alladin!
Posted on May 30, 2019 by Ruth Singh, One of Thousands of Career Coaches on Noomii.
I’m going to take you for a ride on the magic carpet. Ready?
Just rub the magic lamp for a coaching session and I will be at your command as a Coach!
I have always been fascinated by the movie Alladin ever since my son played the role in a school play in the late 90’s. As he sang the song “A Whole New World” a world of immense possibilities unfurled before me. Last week I saw the movie again in its new avatar with Will Smith as the genie and was again cast under its spell. It was a beautifully made movie and I loved watching in it in 3 D. The visual effects were spectacular. However what made the greatest impression on me was how I could use the story to explain my role as a coach.
A few glimpses from the movie which I am going to highlight here will give you more insight into the role of a coach and how you can benefit from coaching. I found 4 Jewels and perhaps we can discover more together
Jewel 1
“Only one may enter here. One whose worth lies far within. A diamond in the rough”
Coach (Cave of Wonders) to Alladin:
The coach invites you here to find your true worth and potential. What is the one burning issue that you need to explore? Your coach will help you enter the cave. You as a coachee need to have the courage to step in. Only then will you be able to find and polish the diamond to shine through
Jewel 2
“I made you look like a prince on the outside, but I didn’t change anything on the inside”-
Coach (Genie) to Aladdin
Wow! That’s a real jewel… think about it. The best makeup, the best clothes, the best outer appearance won’t change the character flaws of a person. Outer beauty is meaningless without inner beauty. A good person when they have an inflow of abundance continues to be a good person and even grows to be a better person. Change has to happen from within and only you as the coachee can bring about that change
Jewel 3
“I can get you to the door, but you have to open it”
Coach (Genie) to Aladdin :
This rings so true! It is something coaches have to repeat several times over and over again to their coachees. A coach can show you the path but only you can walk on it. No different than offering food to someone who is hungry, but only they can chew and swallow this food to ease the hunger.
Jewel 4
Sometimes you just have to take a risk. Do you trust me?”
Coach (Alladin) to Princess:
Alladin coaxes the princess to take a ride on the magic carpet and to see the whole new world outside. Similarly a coach will help you see a different perspective and take you on a magic carpet ride to give you a birds eye view of the situation. All you need is trust and the willingness to open your eyes to see that fantastic and magical new world
The signs are everywhere, all we have to do is open our eyes to be able to see!
Come experience the magical world of coaching with me..