Business Email Domain Name
Posted on May 28, 2019 by Andrew Pelnar, One of Thousands of Business Coaches on Noomii.
Do you use a free email service such as Gmail for your business email address? If so, you should consider looking into using your own domain name.
Do you use a free email service such as Yahoo or Gmail for your business email address? If so, you should consider looking into using your own domain name. For example, if your business is named Doug’s Soaps, your domain name could be You can purchase a domain name even if you do not have a website (if you are a business and do not have a website, we can help you with that as well).
Domain names are very affordable and can come with an email address. You will look much more professional using your own domain name then using a free one. If a potential client sees that you use your own name in your email and a competitor uses a free service, you will look more professional and look like you are willing to invest in your company.
AeroDev can help you pick your domain name and we also have many options to choose from such as .com, .biz, .net, .co, .me, .org, and many more.
Andrew Pelnar
Certified Business Coach
AeroDev, Owner