Coaching tip of the week - Performance-Based Mindset rather than ......
Posted on April 07, 2019 by Tania Melick, One of Thousands of Executive Coaches on Noomii.
You find yourself stuck, anxious, not being able to focus, to decide towards a goal, jumping from one idea into another. Do not give up.
For some of us who find themselves stuck, anxious, not being able to focus, to decide towards a goal, jumping from one idea into another, or simply to move forward towards achieving their goal. Do not give up, instead ask yourself:
- Am I thinking too much about the Outcome? Is the Outcome critical to my definition of success or sense of self-worth? If, yes how is this making me feel? Notice the emotions that arise. Write them down – it could be anything from fear of failure, to stress from expectations that we believe others have of us, or any other emotion that arises etc. Read them out loud to yourself.
- Then ask yourself " What action steps can I perform to shift from focusing on the Outcome to focusing on striving for excellence through applying my talents, my skills and my energy? What do I need to do to better express myself through my performance so that I can reach my goal? How can I focus more on performing?
The more you focus on your Performance, the better you will perform and the more Outcomes you will reach.
Focus on Performance that you need to execute in order to achieve your goal and NOT on the Outcome – Performance-Based Mindset rather than an Outcome-Based Mindset.
Your Performance is the one thing that you can control. The Outcome can be influenced by many different factors that are outside of your zone of control.
Let us take a closer look at the definition of both terms:
Merriam -Webster
- The execution of an action
- Something accomplished
– Something that follows as a result or consequence
Performance is “being on the move”. It is about doing something and when you focus on “Doing” you have control over how well you perform or want to perform.
Outcome is the result, the consequence of something. Outcome depends on 2 factors: Our Performance but also other factors that are beyond our control. The probability of “this—- and that --happening” comes into play with the Outcome. Focusing on the Outcome usually brings with it an increased fear of failure “What if …….”. This will increase your anxiety especially if the Outcomes are critical. It makes you focus on everything that could go wrong and worry about all sorts of factors that are beyond your control and that might not materialise anyway. As a result, it will affect your motivation, your focus and your performance will be impaired.
Focusing on the Performance comes with a mindset that encourages you to focus on your actual Performance in relation to your own standards of excellence. When you focus on your Performance in reaching your goal, you will want to consistently perform at your optimal level and you will be less distracted by events that are beyond your control. After all, this is Your Goal. So, focus on Your Performance to achieve Your Goal.
Reaching your goal is about enjoying the ride as much as reaching the destination.
Focusing on your performance enables you to enjoy the ride. It is a chance to gain insight, to engage and align your skills, your talents and energy. It will enhance your experience.
That is what Athletes do. They set Performance goals and train to improve their performance to reach their goal.
“Let your performance do the thinking”
Charlotte Brontë