What Being in Author Could Do for You!
Posted on April 13, 2011 by Gerry Robert, One of Thousands of Business Coaches on Noomii.
Ever thought of writing a book?
Here are some reasons why you might want to stop THINKING about it and GET IT PUBLISHED.
Accelerate Your Income and Boost Your Sales By Becoming an Author
By Gerry Robert
When you become an author you instantly gained several advantages to help you promote your practice. I’m not talking about “best seller” or being the next Tom Peters or John Grisham. I’m talking about becoming an author for one purpose and one purpose only that is boosting sales and income.
A Book Gives You Credibility
People ever written books are perceived as experts. Prospects see your name and face on a book cover and in our culture, you are viewed as credible and as an authority figure.
Plain and simple, the more credible you are the more sales you will make. Why? Because people will trust you more.
Let’s say a magazine that your prospects read all the time has an opening for a regular column on your topic. They put the word out that they are looking for possible people to write that column. You think it would be great exposure; and you would be right
They receive several submissions but you submit your proposal all along with a copy of your book on the same topic. Now who would you think will be invited to write a column? Of course, the author will get the gig.
Jean Ann Dorrell is a financial advisor to seniors in Florida. Her market is crowded with competitors. Her book “Protect Yourself; Everything Seniors Need to Know to Avoid Being Taken Financially” gives her a very unique and credible position in her marketplace.
A Book Gives You FREE Advertising
Despite popular opinion to the opposite radio stations, TV shows, magazines, newspapers are looking to give you free publicity. They start every day with an empty page and. They want to give you exposure.
The value of this seems obvious but when you are visible and people see you on TV or hear you on the radio, it helps your business. A book has given me over $5 million of free advertising.
Anita Jackson has been featured on local and national radio and TV because of her book. She uses the book to gain publicity for her coaching program.
A Book Helps You Differentiate Yourself from the Competition
There are thousands of people who offer what you offer. Why should they buy from you? Competition is stiff today!
Imagine this, a real estate agent is making a presentation to the owners of a nice house worth over $2 million. Of course, they will likely interview several agents before granting the listing to one of them. Before leaving our imaginary agent says something like this “Mr. Jones, I know and fully expect you will speak with several agents before making this important decision. Cannot ask you to do just one thing before making that decision? What you’ll need one of the chapters in my book entitled how to find a real estate agent you can trust”, then he autographs a copy of his book for the homeowner. What is just happened to his competition? Obliterated!
Real estate Yogen Dhanik uses a book to differentiate himself in the tough and crowded real estate market of San Francisco.
A Book Helps You Get Referrals
One dead as we know offers his book “The Winning Smile” to his existing patients. He tells them to give a free copy of this book to their friends. In the book itself which he autographs in advance, he offers a free first visit for friends of existing patients. He’s busier than ever before.
Dentist Dr. Anil Agarwal of Chicago uses a book to explode his referral practice in his practice.
A Book Helps You Recruit
Dave O, author of the book “The Millionaire Genius” uses his book to build instant rapport for his direct sales organization. He needs to recruit thousands of agents and his book pre sells him to prospects and gets the whole sales force motivated to introduce him to their friends and prospects.
Major Mohan has tens of thousands of people in his sales organization. They all use his book to recruit and get the word out about his company.
Doctor, Your Medicine Is Killing Me! was written by health and wellness coach Pete Coussa to give him the platform he needed to teach his philosophy of wellbeing.
A Book Opens Doors
Christian Warren wanted to meet CEOs of large enterprises to offer his unique high and Internet architectural services. The problem is that CEOs always referred him down to the IT department. He knew that they Union Bay and approve sales, they would need to sell the CEO eventually, why not bypass all that?
But how could he get in? Well, he writes a book entitled “Running with the Rhinos” a book on leadership. It’s a topic of great interest to his target audience. Now, before making a sales call to the CEO he sends them a copy of this book along with an autographed which includes the following…
_Dear Mr. CEO
My mentor told me that I should give my book to the hundred most positive people in this city, I hear you’re one of them. Enjoy the book!
Yours truly,
Christian Warren_
The Einstein Complex is being used by Dr. Roger Boger to help him create multiple sources of income.
A Book Attracts Prospects
Instead of cold calling or any other outdated rejection based strategy, why not make the people who are likely to buy your product or service, come directly to you?
How? Do what Rozieta Shaary did. Every week she would advertise her practice with an ad that cost or $1500. She would typically receive 15 to 20 calls every time that ad ran she thought she could do better. After attending our seminar, I I showed her how to write a book and offer it for free in that. The result? She consistently gets 500 phone calls at every three days from the same $1500 ad.
Rozieta Shaary uses her book to boost advertising response.
If you want to become a magnet to prospects… Write out Book!++
If you want to boost your income… Write a Book!**
If you want to explode your referrals… Write a Book!++
If you want to gain celebrity status… Write a Book!++
If you want to make your advertising pull a lot more… Write a Book!**
If you want to get tons of FREE publicity… Write a Book++!
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