Coaching tip of the week- How to change a behaviour?
Posted on March 16, 2019 by Tania Melick, One of Thousands of Executive Coaches on Noomii.
Is. changing a behaviour an activity?
Changing a behaviour is:
- A mindset and a practice not an activity. We need to commit to it.
- The “Means” that support us in achieving our goals.In order to achieve the desired behaviour change:
1- Raise your awareness of the need to change; Say the truth to yourself – This step is key.
2- Acknowledge, endorse, accept and commit to the need to change: On a scale of 0 to 5, where is your commitment to change? It should be at 5 or close to 5.
3- Call on one or more of your character strengths to support you in making the change. Ask a person of trust and experience to be your shadow and help you to stay on track.
4- Explore how the “desired new behaviour” can better serve you in a situation of your choice- for example in solving problems at work, in reaching a specific goal and why not also in good times. Choosing, for the first time, a positive situation can lead to more insight and higher chances of success.
5- Put the changes into action. Use “Cues” to support you during the implementation phase.
6- Take notice of the impact and the value that the change has created. Ask for feedback. Summarise the learnings for yourself and identify any need for further change.
7- Celebrate your achievement. It is important.
8- Take your learnings to the next level and into another situation. Continue practicing and creating value for yourself, at work and in your personal life.
“Knowing is not enough; We must apply. Willing is not enough; We must do.” Goethe
N.B.- if you have a theme, a challenge that you would like to have it covered in my next “coaching tip of the week” please share it with me.
Tania Melick
February 25,2019