Embrace your feelings
Posted on February 21, 2019 by Eneida Segovia, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Accept your feelings and learn ways to manage and gain some perspective on them.
For after all, the best thing one can do when it is raining is let it rain -Henry Wadsworth
One of the greatest challenges we face as mothers is truly accepting the fact that we will not always know the right thing to do in every situation. It does not feel good when you discipline in anger and your child starts crying. It does not feel good when you are running late trying to put clothes on your toddler and they insist on wearing a costume. You feel your blood boil in frustration.
We long to be limitless in patience and always handling every situation with wisdom. But the reality is we aren’t, and we don’t. We need to remind ourselves that we are only humans. We are doing the best that we can and it is enough!
It is perfectly fine to feel overwhelmed, guilty, and frustrated. We need to truly accept these emotions, understanding that they are just feelings. They rise up, we experience them, and then they pass.
Next time you have diffult feelings, don’t judge them. Instead, approach them with compassion and acceptance.
These are 5 useful ways I have found to manage and express my feelings. I hope they help you as well.
Take the time to acknowledge exactly what you are feeling. Are you feeling angry, frustrated, disappointed, guilty, or just need some “me” time?
Reflect on those feelings. Are they intense and lasting, or are they more moderate and passing? Do you feel them in you body as well as in your mind? Where in your body?
What triggered the feelings? Was it something someone said or did? Was it a thought or worry that you had?
Have past experiences been stirred up? Can you make a connection between the current feelings and other occasions in which you felt the same way?
Consider what you would like to do about the feelings. What would you like to accomplish? Do you want to talk with someone about them? Would you prefer to keep them to yourself? Write about them in you journal.
Taking the time to reflect allows us to have our feelings rather than have them overtake us. We can explore the most useful ways to manage them. Self-awareness is the key to discovering creative ways to manage and express our feelings and to gain some perspective on them.