What is the True Measure of a Life Well-Lived?
Posted on February 13, 2019 by Elias Ursitti, One of Thousands of Leadership Coaches on Noomii.
This article invites you to take an alternative path to a fulfilling life.
Society and culture often paint a picture that success in life is connected to gaining material wealth or achieving happiness. I would like to offer an alternative perspective. I believe the true measure of a life well-lived relates to the openness of your heart. An open heart makes space for all the people and events that come your way without feeling driven to control them or change them.
The conditions required for an open heart are unconditional love and forgiveness—first for yourself, and then for all others. This is a tall order indeed. The way most of us make meaning in the world results in a great deal of judgement of others and defensiveness. One highly powerful idea that has helped me be more loving and forgiving is this: “Everyone (including me) is doing the very best that they are capable of at that particular time.”
When children grow up, we watch them develop new skills and capacities on an almost daily basis. Their developmental journey is nothing short of miraculous, and we can see how their minds (not just their brains) are growing and evolving. Many people believe that once we reach early adulthood we stop developing. That’s not necessarily true. As adults, we can also develop our form of mind in ways which then allow us to see more and gain new perspectives.
When we begin to see more and grow “bigger,” (throughout our adult life) then life can become more of a flowing dance than a raging battle. We can see that most of the time there is more than just one “right” answer. This realization gives us space to be more patient, loving, and forgiving with ourselves and others.
When is the last time you closely examined the condition of your heart? Is it soft, open and spacious, or is it hard, closed, and defended? Make a choice right now to open your heart to all that life is bringing your way. Then as you go through life’s precious moments, ask yourself “How can I bring unconditional love and forgiveness to myself and to the others in this situation?” Adopting this practice is surely a path to a life well-lived.
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