Your Smart Phone is Secretly Trying to Coach You. Here's Proof!
Posted on February 09, 2019 by Mike Doria, One of Thousands of Career Coaches on Noomii.
The next time you open up settings in your Smart phone, take a closer look at the options. And after reading this, you'll never see it the same.
In a world where we are now being told to disconnect, log off and unplug due to our device addictions, I’m instead going to play the rold of Defense Attorney for the Smart Phone. Maybe it was trying to send you a message and you overlooked it due to all the apps, bells and whistles at your fingertips. It’s ok. Here’s my case.
At first pass, these various settings look like settings for your iPhone. And, they are. But, look at them a little differently. Apply them differently and they become settings for your own life.
What do you let others tell you? Do they encourage you or tear you down? Do they dictate or edit your life; or are you in control of you life? Do people bog you down with negativity? Are they riddled with problems constantly or are they inspiring and motivating you daily? Remember, you become a product of the company you keep. By the same token — how are your notifications? Do you uplift others? Do you gossip behind peoples’ backs or do you speak highly of them when they’re not around? Do you walk into a room and speak to others nicely? You get the idea.
How do you respond to situations? Are you tolerant of others who may not know any better? Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Do you control your anger or are you a loose canon? Remember – you don’t have to attend every argument in which you are invited. And, the golden rule applies here too! My editor once told me that with a balanced center, all will be good. And, it’s true. Control your attitude, activity and actions.
Exactly how it sounds. Sometimes we need space, peace and quiet. Sometimes we also need a vacation to recharge. Are people asking too much of you? Sometimes it’s ok to say “no.”
And remember, you can still help others while keeping your Do Not Disturb activated. Sometimes, the very things we do when don’t want to be disturbed can help motivate someone to deal with their issues and problems and inspire them to better. Make sense?
Do you wake up each day ready to take on the world or ready to let the world take you on? Remember, your body is a machine. Sleep, exercise and diet are important. Listen to what your body is saying and respond appropriately. There are 24 hours in a day. Spend eight of them working, eight of them enjoying a hobby, giving back to the community, etc. and the other eight in bed. It’s all about balance. Starting to sound like you smart phone is secretly trying to coach you, huh.
If you’re generally a happy person and always smiling — chances are you’ll attract people who operate similarly. If you appear moody and angry — people will steer clear of you. I always try to remember this when I’m in an undesirable situation or circumstance: you still have to get from point A to point B. If you do so in a positive manner, you never know what good might attract in the process. If you do so angry and resentful; you’re probably going to miss or overlook any good that was trying to come your way.
Also, do you appear confident, prepared and knowledgable? I’m certainly not trying to suggest that we judge books by their covers. After all, you never know what lies beneath a person’s exterior or inside his or her head. However, in this day and age, it’s important to look and act the part.
Take pride in yourself and the way you look. Play with your style. Intrigue and inspire people. I once had a visit with a talent coach when I worked at the ABC affiliate in Rochester, NY. She told me to find an outfit or a couple of outfits that made me feel like a million bucks. When worn, those outfits helped carry that confidence theme through the rest of the day — whether I was on a story or enjoying time in my personal life. Pretty soon, I was always in search of an outfit that made me feel worth while.
If you aren’t happy with your image, you have the ability to change it. The same is true of your surroundings. Is your home clean? Do you take care of your belongings? Appreciate what you have and give what you can to the less fortunate. Be a motivator in life and someone others look up to.
Decorate your insides with better thoughts. How do you do this? Simply put some inspirational quotes or daily affirmations on the bathroom mirror. You’ll be forced to read them every day. Say them out loud even — whatever gets you thinking more positively about yourself.
Ever find yourself saying “I wish I hadn’t said that” or “I can’t believe so and so just said that?” Be nice in the way you treat and respond to others. Avoid gossiping. Mute the negativity. Also, try listening instead of always talking. Speak up when necessary and keep your mouth closed when your words won’t add anything more than noise to a situation. Try not to dominate the conversation. And, for every two times you mention something about yourself or regarding your accomplishments, ask the person you’re engaged in conversations with about his or hers. It’s not all about you. Now you’re just about convinced your smart phone is secretly trying to coach you, huh.
Learn who you can trust. And, trust that others don’t always have your best interest at heart. On the other side of the coin — try to be understanding of others. Realize that a person may not always be lashing out at you intentionally. It may be the result of a bad day. We all have them. And remember — you can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped. Just make sure you’re there when they’re ready; and only if you are able to do so. I like this rule: try not to pry — just lend the shoulder for them to cry.
Your life doesn’t have to be an open book constantly. Not everyone needs to know your business. Be private in matters that require privacy or ones that involve another person. If you’ve become privy to information regarding someone — that information is not necessarily meant to be shared.
Ever log onto Facebook only to find someone had gone off on a rant AND SOMETIMES TYPES IN ALL CAPS to let you know they’re super pissed and shouting? Responding to this only adds fuel to that fire and continues to allow the person to be angry. If you’re going to respond, say something positive. I usually don’t respond. And, if I’m having a bad day — I stay off of social media. Be conscious of your posts. The world isn’t falling apart. And, if it truly were — I’m going to guess that Facebook and social media wouldn’t be your first source of defense. You see…your Smart phone is secretly trying to coach you. There’s the Proof!
Revisit these settings often. I usually find one or two that need to attention each week. It’s not an easy feat, but practice is better than ignorance. Who knew an iPhone could have a whole new meaning when looked at and applied in a different way. Smart phone, huh?