So how does coaching work with Nikos Grey?
Posted on January 25, 2019 by Nikos Grey, One of Thousands of Career Coaches on Noomii.
With this article, I will try to present you my work as a mindfulness coach through a real story.
Once upon a time, not so long ago, there was a player and his name was Secret. Secret had learned about me through his mother; we had just finished a coaching program with her when my phone rang; he was calling me. Without further ado, we started his game.
The Dream we agreed to follow through the game was a rather demanding one, from my point of view: "I want to move out “Secret’s-homeland” and move in a better country with a better system and opportunities for me."
That was the first time I would ever coach such a reversal decision to a player’s life. So, after I took my time to decide if I wanted to get into this – and after the successful completion of the trial program – we closed the deal. We would play the game, and we would participate in mindfulness coaching sessions, once per week.
So we did.
We worked together for about 18 months. Secret was a very clever and determined person with remarkable willpower. He provided me with everything I needed. He was 95% present in our sessions. He never forgot his homework, on the contrary, most of the times he delivered more than he had assigned to himself. He never hid his feelings or his mistakes from me; he was continually giving me the invaluable stimulus I needed to step on and ask him questions which would drive him to be Present and Mindful.
The guy did his best to make his Dream come true. I was excited with him, and he was a real blessing for a coach. Have I mentioned how much I ended up loving Secret through our sessions? A lot! I was fortunate that he chose me as his coach.
Today Secret is living to the country he wanted to move in, and – runs his own company as well.
So, what happened in that game? What did I do right with Secret and he rocked?
I believe that my quote reveals the important answer: “Coaching is the way the player thinks and behaves; when he is not in the session, Nikos Grey.”
My work is the map, not the territory. If the relationship’s chemistry is appropriate; as soon as the player realizes how to balance with his mind efficiently, in order to pump out the three critical values through his everyday interaction with the world, the game is over.
The player is free and very powerful.
He does not need me anymore; neither will he ever again in the future.
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I would love to serve you.
Respectfully. Nikos Grey.