Posted on January 04, 2019 by Teasha Glover, One of Thousands of Career Coaches on Noomii.
Broadening the context on a term that has often had such a narrow defining descriptiveness....
A great portion of my life has been spent chasing something that really wasn’t there. I had been living in a mansion of smoke and mirrors. I remember saying that to myself at one point; what if you wake up and all of this was for naught? Well my worst nightmare has come true. So much time has been wasted on people and activities that provide no sustenance to my existence. I didn’t know. I wasn’t responsible for seeking out what I needed in my ‘not-knowing’ phase of development. When I became knowing of this I became thirsty.
Let’s explore thirst. It’s a mechanism that indicates a need for something. Physically if your thirsty, you seek out a beverage. What happens emotionally, mentally and spiritually? Well pretty much the same thing. Being exposed to others who were exhibiting mannerisms that were foreign, yet appealing, to me activated my ‘thirst’ switch. But what will I take in? Will I drink the wines of debauchery, dysfunction and dereliction? Or will I engage in sipping sessions adorned with love, fulfillment, and a vigor for life? I’ve had my share of the former. I stayed ‘drunk’. Stumbling from one catastrophe in life to the next. Thank the stars in the heavens that I have sobered up from that mess.
I have begun to take small sips of life so as not to end up in a thirsty state. I am currently in the process of dumping all impurities from me. Nothing can get in to a crowded vessel. Feeding myself good stuff will keep that mechanism in the ‘OFF’ Status; good people, good experiences, wholesome, spiritual drinks that edify my existence. Once it’s turned on I know what happens. I’m a train wreck in my THIRSTY State. Drink from the waters of life!