The Path To Happiness
Posted on November 30, 2018 by Lisa Roulette, One of Thousands of Spirituality Coaches on Noomii.
Welcome to Happy Planet… a weekly podcast to help raise the vibration of this planet….. one person at a time……. I’m your host Lisa Roulette…. And this is episode number One….
Welcome and thank you for joining me on the very first episode of Happy Planet…
I’m excited to be here with you today and I want you to know that…. Wherever you are on the planet…. You deserve to be happy….
So put a smile on your face… take a deep breath, sit back, relax, get ready to get happy…
We all have a different definition of happiness….
But most of us….. are looking for happy…. along the same path….
You know what I’m talking about…
The path where we…..
Grow up….. get a job….get a degree… get a spouse… get a house….have kid……and sometimes we try to get a better spouse… or better… or better kid….
And somewhere in there…… should be happy… .right?
Maybe not utter euphoria or sheer bliss….. but … usually….
One or two of those things bring us some happiness….
Most of us…..though…… are still seeking a higher level of happy that we can’t find anywhere…And as we age… it can get harder……. to get happy….. consistently…..
So….why is that? Why does it get harder… to get happy?
Well… the most logical reason is that Reality get’s in the way….
More responsibility… more … of what I call… life bombs…..
Like student loans…… mortgages….infertility…… marriages from hell……
And life bombs can be nuclear….
Like Loosing loved ones prematurely to death….miscarriages……. Toxic and painful relationships….
So a lot of the time…. Happy seems to slip through reality….
Which… is ….Such ….a tragic word……. isn’t it?
Have you ever used the word reality to convey something positive?
I know I haven’t ….
In fact… just the other day I destroyed my 11 year olds reality…… when I yelled….
Sit your ass down…. face reality ….and get your homework done…
No wonder he wants to play xbox i…..nstead of joining the adult population in….. “reality”
This thing we call reality has nothing on latest skin in fortnight……it’s too…. “realistic” ……..
Which makes it hard….. to find happy…
But here’s the thing that most of us are missing….
Happy isn’t on the path we are all taught to travel….
It’s not in our jobs….it’s not in our degrees… or our marriages… it’s not even in our kids…
Happy is inside of us…..
And to pull it out….. or gain access to it…. We have to go find it…. On the inside… not the outside…..
So if you’ll allow me…I’d like to offer you a little insight into this thing we call happy…..and show you …….where youre likely to find it…… outside of reality….
Alright…. It’s pretty simple actually…..
Each one of us has two layers of self……
The first level is our identity…’s the part of us that consistently lives on the outside…. In reality…..
It’s who we describe ourselves to be… like…..
Take….. for instance….. my friend Sam…..
He’s a father…a dentist….a divorcée… who’s single …..and loves to mountain bike….
That’s just a description of Sam though….. It lets us know what type of character he is
And it’s only part of Sam…
Sam….. has another layer of self … which is infinitely more interesting… significantly more powerful … but most importantly… it’s the part of Sam…… that understands what Sam needs to get happy….
The second layer of self is what many people refer to as the higher self.
Which, of course…. I know every one of you has heard about….
But most of us…. Dismiss this part of self… and don’t really understand that it holds the key to happy….
So I hope I can offer you some insight here…..
The higher self is the greater aspect of who we really are…
Meaning… it’s a whole heck of a LOT bigger…… than who we think ourselves to be in the character roles we identify with…
It’s bigger than just… Sam the dentist, divorcee…..
This higher self…. it is not connected to reality…. Which is kind of a beautiful thing!
It is not attached to a dentist chair…… alimony payments…. Or lonely nights alone….. with a frozen pizza and beer…
It’s connected…… to universal consciousness….where everything is known and there are infinite possibilities…
And what’s cool about it… is that……. not only does the higher self….. know what’s best for us ….and what’s going to make us really, really happy….
It also knows how to find happy with it’s ability to tap into more resources than the ones we can perceive in our reality….
See…. Cuz most of us are trying to access happy though…. Better homes… bigger bank accounts… sexier marriages… rock hard bodies….
And most of the time we end up…. well…. Maybe just sort of happy or not so happy…..
And this is because we are pushing so hard as the character feel we have to play… that we only get some of what we want…..
But the higher self … not busy like our identity… hammering away at our day jobs… in the therapists chair….. at the gym…..on the soccer fields…
It just is……and it draws from the field of infinite possibilities….whatever it likes…..or needs…
Sounds kind of nice right?
I bet a lot of you are like… hell yeah… let me get some of that higher self- ness right now…..
That flow…. That abundant lifestyle….
Yes…. That’s what I’m talking about!
And I’m trying to make it really simple for those of you who have never tried to access that higher self-ness that is so freaking fine in you right now!
Hopefully a lot of you are realizing why we call it the higher self …….
Because it is beyond or above the reality we identify with…..
Now the blessing is …. Each one of us ……has this part of self…
It’s not reserved for Tibeten monks…… or those girls who do yoga on the beaches of Thailand with half a zillion Instagram followers….
But what the monks and the girls on Instagram do have……. that many people don’t…… is a connection to their higher self…
They identify with it…more than they identify with “reality”
Giving them an ability to shape… or create… the world in which they live….
And any person who knows they have an ability to shape and create their own worlds…. Is gonna be happy….they gonna take what’s rightfully theirs….
Right? I mean why the hell not!
So generally speaking… people who are only moderately happy or unfortunately not happy at all…… usually get that way…… because they are stuck identifying with reality…..that is formed on a narrow and rigid path that someone else carved for them……
That’s the path where you grow up, get a job, get a degree, a spouse, a house and so on….
All the while looking for happy…..
But what if…. During our upbringing we were taught that ….
The only path to follow is your own.
….and to not be scared that you can’t see where the path leads….
What if we were told….. that the right path for each of us unfolds…… when we meet the greater aspects of who you are… which will guide us to the true purpose and meaning of our lives….where we will find happy?
Imagine the risks we would take to find what truly makes us happy…..
Whenever I explain this to one of my clients … their face inevitably drops… like they missed out on something….
But no one has missed out….
It’s not like the identity has killed off the greater aspects of who you are…. That’s impossible…
Because the greater aspects are indefinite and eternal….and a whole shit ton stronger than the identity you’ve chosen to play out…..
Now I usually get two questions….
First: Is this for real?
I mean you gotta wonder ….is it just hocus pocus?… and a whole bunch of unicorn garbage?…
I feel you….
I was skeptic at one time…..
But you can answer that for yourself by just looking around your peer group or community….
If you know anyone that is really stinking happy all the time… almost annoyingly so.………
Or someone that has a cool calm that almost seems almost unreal…..
That’s proof their connected… something bigger than who they see in the mirror each day…
The second question I get is…. If I want to access this higher self thingy magig….
Do I have to learn how to meditate?……..Start visiting those farmacies….And walk around flashing the peace sign all day?
Well the answer is….. all of those things have their merits…. but no…. you don’t…
there’s no one specific way to access the higher self…..
If you want to connect to the greater aspects of who you are….
Here are a couple of simple ways to get started……
First: Let go of the idea that you are only who you see in the mirror….
I’m sure most of you accept that….. but very few people go the extra mile to understand it…..
Second: Stop using the intellect so much…. Thoughts define reality…. And if you’re like most people I know… you could probably use a break from parts of your reality…
Try to make decisions from your heart throughout you day…
You can do this by asking yourself… based on the decision I make…..what outcome would be of the highest good for me……. and all of those concerned….
This should lead you to an enlightened answer and a higher level of awareness of the greater aspects of who you are….
And finally: spend a few moments each day practicing gratitude for where you are in your life…. And where you are headed…..
Then ask yourself: what’s next? …. For me…. Specifically for me… where do I need to go….for the purpose of my life?
These are gentle slow ways to start along the path to awakened living ……where you can find your happy…..
Thanks for joining me today…. And for those of you who are seeking guidance through coaching you welcome to email me at
Or if your business that shares wisdom with the world to help raise the vibration of the planet… hit me up at and let’s connect….
Until next time my friends…. Remember…. The only thing we can’t replace is time…. Spend it happy….