5 Life-Changing Tips on How to Motivate Yourself to Achieve Great Things in Life
Posted on November 09, 2018 by Joelene Lemke, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
When setbacks get in the way, we often feel inadequate. You could use a dose of self-motivation. Here are some ways to motivate yourself.
Have you ever struggled with accomplishing a goal you have set? Have you signed up for a class only to find you’re afraid to start it? Do you find every excuse on the book not to jump in and get it done?
I have.
Sometimes I struggle with accomplishing the little tasks like exercising for the day. Or, even bigger tasks like taking that class I paid for.
I have had to overcome the put-it-off mindset and attitude. What motivates me is finding the benefit, the incentive to do what needs to be done.
What if I exercise … I will have more energy and feel more accomplished.
What if I finish that class … I can be one step closer to my dream job.
In other words, I paint the picture of success in my mind rather than focusing on the fear of the “journey.” For me, this is a great way to push myself to be my best self. And you can, too.
Here are 5 tips that’ll help you motivate yourself to reach your goals, no matter how small or big they are.
- Chunk It Down
Several years ago, I was $55,000 in credit card debt, not to mention the mortgage. Just writing that figure down makes me queasy. Yes, it was massive debt, but I chunked it down into smaller bits and worked my way towards a debt-free life.
It was definitely not a smooth ride, but paying it off in piecemeal sizes allowed us to bring down the debt to around $6,000. The same goes for your investment goals. For instance, if you’re looking to build an investment portfolio of $750,000 in 5 years, you might want to break it down into a checklist of weekly or monthly actions.
Breaking down tasks into smaller, easily manageable chunks offers two advantages: (1) it can do wonders for your self-confidence & motivation, and (2), it’s a great strategy for goal-setting. - Cut Yourself Some Slack
Going through the motions of life can be draining. So, cut yourself some slack, take a break – you absolutely deserve it. Taking some time to rest and unwind is the best way to re-energize and reinvigorate your mind, body, and spirit.
You’ll return to your work, business or schoolwork full of life and with renewed enthusiasm. - Keep it to Yourself
I know this might seem counterintuitive; after all, you need a support network to stay motivated. However, telling everyone about your new diet, weight-loss regime or your plan to get that diploma will backfire on you.
It’s all in your mind. You see, when you get a barrage of positive feedback from friends, family or colleagues, your brain will be tricked into thinking that you have already achieved those goals. That’s why you’re better off keeping it to yourself until you have actually accomplished them. - It’s All About the Small Wins
That’s right. Celebrate those little wins, no matter how tiny they may seem. Lost two pounds? Got through the first week of class? Pat yourself a little in the back. It’s an amazing way to motivate you. - Avoid Comparison
Comparing yourself with others is a surefire killer of motivation. So, focus on yourself. Count your blessing. But, more importantly, compare yourself with yourself.
Remember that you don’t have all the time in the world. Use the above handy tips to motivate yourself to realize your goals sooner, and let me know which worked best for you.