The Modern Earthly Goddess: A Female Fully Empowered and Softly in Grace
Posted on November 02, 2018 by Alison Kate, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Goddesses live in grace because they are willing to re-learn, to throw away societal expectations that don’t serve their larger purpose...
For years, I have been compiling information, observations, and qualities in my head from women that have made a bold impact on me. They have made their mark on my soul by embodying, what I consider to be, the modern earthly Goddess.
I think for both men and women, when we move towards more self-awareness and personal growth, we are all working on similar issues – love, kindness, balance, authenticity, honesty, and purpose – just to name a few general themes.
However as a female, I have been struck by some amazing qualities that I recognize in other women, which seem to lead towards personal integration, connection, and unity. And, when we find wholeness in ourselves, it translates out to positively affect our relationships and our interactions with the greater world. Creating wholeness within also leads to exuding these larger themes, such as love, kindness, and authenticity. These qualities are already in all of us. They are not external concepts to be sought. But for many of us, they are internally dormant and undeveloped in this lifetime. They are part of our soul, what we are born with, and what we have forgotten as we’ve been socialized into this world.
Goddesses awaken these dormant qualities and become alive in a more vibrant all-encompassing way. They make living in grace look easy because in some sense it is. What should be challenging about embodying the qualities we were born with, the qualities of our divinity? But many humans seem to forget who they really are. Goddesses live in grace because they are willing to re-learn, to throw away societal expectations that don’t serve their larger purpose, to connect back to their intuitive nature, and live their truth.
They are coming back to wholeness for themselves. The intention is not for any external person or situation, and there is no outcome or end goal in mind, but only to BE peace and love. They are simply moving towards unity to feel more comfortable in their body, more serene in their mind, and to connect more deeply with their soul.
Here are the embodied qualities that I have witnessed in the modern earthly Goddess:
Being self-aware and personally reflective:
Goddesses have already done a lot of personal work. And, what makes them fully empowered and softly in grace is that they are always continuing to work on themselves. They know evolution is limitless and they continue to be more present, more loving, more genuine, and more on purpose. The art of being present slows down impulsive reactions so they can move and act more thoughtfully and compassionately.
Channeling emotions for growth:
The incredible power that can be harnessed behind raw emotion is almost inconceivable. So often we let emotions take over our bodies and our minds, and consequently, the emotions overpower us. But, when we tap into the power of emotions and channel that power towards goodness and positive change, it’s amazing how much strength and power is generated. I see this in Goddesses when they are completely taken with emotion, but they still remain grounded, centered, and responsible for themselves. Their soul uses the emotional charge to go into action, to take care of themselves well, to take care of others, and to kindly stand strong for what they believe in.
I’ve heard many times that when we are full, complete, and whole on our own, there is no need to rely on external factors. But, when we haven’t developed ourselves in the ways we want, I think we are magnetically drawn to people, places, and things that have the qualities we seek. Without a specific quality in our being, seeking another with it creates a sort of off-centered balance. This, in turn, creates an unstable and unhealthy reliance – when we are with that other person or experience, we feel whole, but when we are not, we feel in lack or depleted. I see Goddesses develop the full spectrum of qualities they seek so they have all the balance and wholeness they need within themselves. They are not dependent on anything or anyone, and the connections they choose simply become extra bonuses of goodness.
Embracing and embodying both masculine and feminine energy – the Yin/Yang balance:
We all need a balance of Yin and Yang energy to feel whole and complete on our own. Many professionally successful women have learned to live and thrive in their masculine energy, without equally developing their feminine energy. This negatively impacts their personal and intimate relationships, their ability to self-care and self-love, and their innate compassionate wisdom and intuition. Other women end up more passive and submissive to others and societal pressures, and as a result, they lose their voice, their independence, their power – their masculine energy.
Goddesses have a true balance of masculine and feminine energy. They live in their power, take initiative, thinking pragmatically, and are independent brilliant beings. And, they are soft, nurturing, self-loving, compassionate, and intuitively connected and wise. They know when to take action and pursue and when to sit back and let things come to them. They thrive in relationship with themselves and with others. They both stand up for what they believe in and know how to compassionately compromise.
Experiencing magic all around them:
Magic and miracles are all around us all of the time. It’s a choice to see them, experience them, and bathe in that miraculous energy. So much of life is about attitude and perspective, and Goddess women choose to be happy and see the positivity in most situations. Noticing coincidences and synchronicities is the beginning of magical signs and experiences. Tuning into this vibration is a practice which heightens with dedication and practice. Goddesses experience synchronicities, signs, and magic regularly and we can see it by the sparkle in their eye.
Feeling their feelings:
While Goddesses choose happiness and a positive perspective regularly, they are also okay with experiencing and sitting with their feelings when sadness, grief, anger, or other less pleasant feelings come up. They know that all situations and related emotions come to teach us lessons and ultimately help us evolve, so embracing them is crucial to moving forward. Goddesses accept their wide range of emotions, feel into them, and feel through them as they change to understand what purpose they are meant to serve. Goddesses take time to find the meaning, communicate clearly and thoughtfully, and let the learning process advance their soul.
Love their body, mind, and heart:
In a culture with so much body shaming, comparison, body image issues, and eating disorders, Goddesses somehow figure out their way around that negativity. They seem to love, embrace, and nurture their bodies, minds, and hearts and not revert to self-criticism or negative self-talk. They know that this negative energy ultimately serves no helpful purpose. By embodying purity, love, and grace, they honor their bodies, minds, and hearts as their temples.
These are the qualities that I am awed by in these magnificent women and characteristics that I seek to penetrate my consciousness. Maybe you can relate to some of these beautiful, enlightened, and badass qualities as markers of a Goddess, or maybe your list is different.
What we recognize in others (light or dark aspects) is also present within us. It’s just a matter of figuring out how to tap more deeply into those respected and desired qualities and step away from our shadow reactions. My list is full of characteristics that I recognize are embodied in my being to varying degrees and I am committed to bringing them to the forefront of my life and radiating them out into the world so I can show up as my higher vibrational self and encourage others to do the same.
What are the qualities you most respect, honor, and want to embody? What is the Goddess to you?
~ Featured on Elephant Journal