What is Your Most Important Role Today?
Posted on March 28, 2011 by Nicole Bandes, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Each and every day we are faced with a lengthy To-Do list and we have a lot of roles to play on that list. How do we balance it all?
Each and every day we are faced with a To-Do list that seems longer than the roll of paper (which probably needs to be changed, by the way). We have more roles to play that the entire cast of a broadway musical. So how do we balance all this?
Balance? Balance is for the scales of justice, not for humans. There will never be balance within our lives. That’s the bad news. It’s also the good news. That means we can stop beating ourselves up for not giving equal time to our significant others, children, jobs, businesses and ourselves. Balance or Harmony at The YOU Coach, Golden Eagles Coaching
Instead, we should optimally strive for harmony. If you have ever had the privilege of seeing an orchestra play, you may have noticed that all of the instruments do not play at the same time, nor do they each get equal playing time. The composer, instead, strives to make beautiful music allowing each of the instruments just the right amount of playing time and at the right time.
It is also important to note that, while one instrument may be featured at any one time, the other instruments may still be playing a supporting sound in the background.
Producing Harmony – The YOU Coach, Golden Eagles CoachingNow consider each of the individual roles in your life like one of the instruments in the orchestra. If you treat your life like a symphony, you won’t worry about having each one get equal time but rather focus on what makes the most beautiful sound at any point in time.
Today your key role may be as a parent because your child is home sick. Do not stress or worry about what is going on in the other roles of your life but rather focus on that role. This focus will not likely exclude every other role, just like the symphony does not exclude all other instruments while the key instrument is playing. However, the role takes on a key position in the overall harmony of your life at that very moment.
Tomorrow your key role may be business owner as you prepare that quote or proposal before a deadline.
When you are 25, your key role may have been advancing in a career. When you are 35 it may be that of a parent.
You can not be both things at all times and you can’t give equal time to all things. Focus instead on what is important now.
What is your most important, or key role right now? Focus on this stage in your life as well as at this moment in your day. The two may be different but overlap, just like instruments in an orchestra.
Now let go of feeling the need to find balance.