10 Skills Every Great Leader Needs To Succeed
Posted on October 11, 2018 by Brian Williams, One of Thousands of Career Coaches on Noomii.
As a leader, you need many skills. The job isn’t easy, and it requires a commitment to personal improvement and constantly striving to grow.
As a leader, you need many skills. The job isn’t easy, and it requires a commitment to personal improvement and constantly striving to grow. To help you on your path, we’ve put together a list of 10 skills every great leader needs to succeed.
1. Adaptability – Times change, people change, and businesses change. A leader must be able to sense these changes happening and adapt his or her approach.
2. Positive Attitude – A leader sets the tone for the whole team. With a positive attitude as a model and expectation, the team will go far.
3. Communication Skills – Open, honest communication avoids many problems. A leader’s job is not only to communicate with the team, but to foster an environment where communication flows among all team members.
4. Emotional Intelligence – Noticing the feelings among team members is key for guiding the team in the right direction. Knowing when to give a pep talk, allow some breathing room, or put the pressure on will make all the difference in achieving a successful leadership style.
5. Vision – A leader must know where she is headed. And she must communicate this to the team, regularly.
6. Ability to Delegate – A true leader notices each team member’s skills and delegates tasks accordingly. Then, she makes the resources available to the team members and gives them the space to succeed.
7. Critical Thinking – A leader doesn’t need to have all of the solutions, but she certainly must be able to contribute with helpful questions and insights when analyzing a project, proposal, or trend.
8. Passion – Without passion, a leader will lack the motivation and drive to inspire her team. A leader must be passionate about the work taking place.
9. Conflict Management Skills – Inevitably, teams experience conflict. A leader must address these issues proactively and set the trend for how conflict will be handled in a positive, healthy way.
10. Team Player – A leader is just another member of the team in many ways. Taking ownership of a fair part of the work and recognizing that success is a result of a team effort are paramount to a positive ongoing team dynamic.