The other side of a Problem
Posted on September 29, 2018 by Mehnaz Amjad, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Problem Solving Method
Yes, problems besides being a problem also hold many dimension in it.
To resolve it, be it complex or simple, one has to always look at the other side of it.
In short, a holistic view, is basically what holds a perception and in most cases solution to the problem at hand.
Perception holds the immense capacity to impact your belief system and therefore can assist you to shape your approach while you think to resolve the issues of your life.
The first fundamental aspect, which we often overlook for any given problem is its two-way dimensions.
Every problem has, in fact, many dimensions, but to begin with 2 are the minimum that any issue or problem hold and therefore require us to also look at both the sides if we intend to find a solution.
To make it simpler, let us call these two dimensions as Internal and External
Let me share a few real-life examples, to provide more clarity on the concept.
#Example 1
One of my clients, let us call her Mrs. Y, in her late forties, a homemaker and a mother of 3 children, during one of the diagnosis sessions of our coaching program, said she would be glad if I could address some of her questions, I was more than glad to assist her and when I asked her to shoot her questions.
She ended up asking me what could be the best beauty tip that she could use to control her receding hairline and acne.
At the outset, I could not hold my laughter, nor I felt offended ,instead I felt a deep sense of warmth towards her innocent questions, for she perhaps assumed me as a genius, which I was not and thought I may have a remedy to all her issues of life including her receding hairline and acne she was struggling with !
I politely responded that I have very limited expertise on beauty products and concepts, however, I also suggested if she could undergo some test, to understand the deficiency or hormonal imbalances she might be facing ,she obliged ,undertook the test and it was found she had severe vitamin deficiencies, and hormonal imbalance as predicted.
Besides this, when I probed more, she slowly opened up about her stressful married life and her husband who never supported her financially or emotionally, and that she was forced into being the sole bread runner of the family.
Perception: She thought her issue was acne and receding hairline
#Example 2
My client, who also reached out to be thinking my specialty niche was wellness coach, shared his issue which was a weak immunity system, loss of appetite and low energy levels.
This man was 42 years, single and had responsibilities of aged parents, 2 siblings, out of which one of them had a severe disability.
I was impressed by his fortitude, and sense of responsibility which he had sincerely upheld for his family members.
He always believed that others come first and had therefore neglected his own self-care to a very large extent.
Perception: He thought his issue was his low appetite and weak immunity
Both cases held common patterns:
1.Stressful life
2.Weak Physical being
3. Seeking help to fix health issues
4.Neglected self
5.Looking at issues only with one dimension
Now, if you look at both the issues from Internal & External dimension, you shall find the following
Example 1
Internal: a highly stressful life, mired with the responsibility of being a sole bread runner for a family of 5 including herself
External: Poor skin, acne, receding hairline with premature grey hairs
Example 2
Internal: Neglected self, mental stress, lack of enough financial support, tough circumstances
External: Low immunity, deficiencies, underweight and poor appetite
Conclusion: Every issue is relative and is deeply connected with our inner self
in fact, most of the problems we face are more often a manifestation of our inner self which need attention, the right focus, approach and sometimes even help.
So, next time when you find yourself confused, trying to solve a thing, or perhaps just thinking what could be the likely reason for this issue or how do I solve it, don’t forget to take a pause and look for the OTHER side of it.
Also, remember, resolution sometimes also do not come to surface despite looking at both the dimensions, for such issue, it signifies that there is more to what meets the eye and it needs a deeper dive.
here’s where a Life Coaches comes into playing a pivotal role assisting people through their expertise acting as their thinking partners to find a resolution the co-creative way.
Thanks for your time to read it.
Until next time,
Best Regards
Mehnaz Amjad