My Coaching Philosophy
Posted on September 13, 2018 by Jonathan Thomas, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
I describe what my current coaching philosophy is and why I believe in it
In any coaching session, the key factor in achieving desired results is client ownership. If the coach is completely selfless and allows the client to come up with answers and strategies on their own, then chances of success and permanent change are remarkably higher. This doesn’t mean the coach just sits there and fires off questions. It means that the coach serves more as a guide and helps steer the rudder of the ship, while the client is the captain.
Having all the answers or the perfect advice might feel good for the ego and make a coach feel needed and significant, but that certainly doesn’t do much for the client. My belief is that by watching and listening to the client, picking up golden nuggets of information, being able to change a client’s state when needed, and asking the right question at the right time, a coach can help awaken and transform lives in a very short amount of time – All while allowing the client to go at their needed pace and feel in charge of the session, and their life.
By using certain NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) techniques along with spiral dynamics and the six human needs model, there is no hole too deep or “problem” too large that can’t be changed or improved.
From psychological issues like anxiety and depression, to mastering peak states for business performance, to relationship coaching between partners. I am dedicated to helping in the coaching field and honored to play that role in so many people’s lives.
Now offering Toronto life coaching and performance coaching sessions in 2018.