The Shadow Effect: Hiding What We Think is Unacceptable to Others
Posted on July 16, 2018 by Graham Kean, One of Thousands of Career Coaches on Noomii.
Do you consistently do things just for the sake of impressing others at work, home or socially?
Let’s take a look at SHADOW.
We all have shadow; the elements of our inner world that we hide from others. The bits, parts, pieces of us that we don’t want others to know about, or see.
Our shadow evolved when we were very young, before our ‘thinking mind’ was developed enough to filter out the messages we received from others… mainly our parents.
We hide what we think is unacceptable to others, we create ‘masks’ to survive, we create a false self, we manifest ‘sub-personalities’ to protect us, we hide our inner child away to keep it safe.
There is the ‘I’ we show the world and the ‘I’ we hide deep inside. We resist our shadow and push it away. We become unconscious to the effects.
When we see something in another that we dislike, or we see something in another that represents our own wounding, or activates our fears we project out our shadow onto them. We are not even aware we are doing it.
It is easier to do this than to confront our own darkness.
We need to take back the shadow elements we project out, we need to express our dark side.
If you do not deal with your shadow, in the end, it will deal with you.
What you seek the most is hidden in the darkness. The only time there is no shadow is when you are completely in the dark.
When we blame we limit the love we have to share.
We need to turn on the light.
Graham Kean, MA (Psych), MMC (IAC)
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