Are you CRAZY enough to believe in your dreams-even after repeated failures?
Posted on July 05, 2018 by Derek Sleater Cook, One of Thousands of ADD ADHD Coaches on Noomii.
"Crazy" has interpretations from being committed to an asylum to describing your friend who went skydiving or traveling to Tibet alone for a month.
“…You’re crazy, ADHD is not a gift…,” said a secondary school teacher from Oregon in response to an email I sent to ADHD group members on LinkedIn.
She got part of it right, I am crazy! I am crazy enough to make mistakes to learn, risk failing to succeed, crazy enough to risk getting hurt to fully enjoy love and even crazy enough to get back up, every time I fall, knowing it may only result in getting knocked down again-physically, emotionally and even with the laughter of others attempting to spew me with public humiliation.
Mostly, I am crazy enough to believe in myself, my dreams-even after repeated failures, and in the simple satisfaction I can obtain while in active pursuit of my dreams. While your ADHD also stands for Audacious Dreams Hoped-for Daily, there is a peaceful contentment you can discover and even an extraordinary, everyday life while taking action created from your passion. This same Action by Passion is also the internally produced fuel that propels you towards your easily-imagined, exhilarating and epic happiness that we experience as we align our passion, mind and actions flowing from a single heart that centers and grounds our very existence!
ADHDers, more than other personality types, are motivated at their core by fun always seek to engage in activities that they enjoy and enjoy very much. Variety and new activities are a common fun activity and are a major source of distraction.
With the overwhelmingly available flood of new information via news, apps, websites and physical or virtual gadgets, how does anyone effectively manage the influx without drowning?
What if you were able to discover that one thing that creates such excitement, provides such satisfaction and ignites your fire within that it, almost magically, produces a magnetic pull so powerful that you maintain engagement in the planning, developing and execution of the project, seemingly as easily as you have previously been distracted by a multitude of shiny new objects, this ultimate passion of yours has no serious competition and almost effortlessly exists as a catalyst to the action required to create the results you desire! Is that making any sense to you, yet?
Here’s the tricky part. ADHDers can find many things that are good and our idealistic and positive nature can frame good things into looking, sounding and feeling great. You must be very discerning.
What if you had an advocate that could assist you in empowering yourself to identify your core motivation, your passion and clarify your dream?
What if you had a partner that could help you create the structure and personal accountability that would enable you to take the action necessary to create the results you desired? What if that same personal accountability could help you finally lead yourself towards the life you have always dreamed and finally liberate you from the micromanaging boss, the naggings spouse and the self-inflicted shame that you will forever be that underachiever?
What if you had a coach that like you, has epic dreams and yet was still crazy enough to believe in their dreams-despite having experienced repeated failures, each time finding it more difficult to get back up? What if there was a coach who, like you, has heard the criticisms, doubt and ridicule from those you always thought and hoped would be your greatest support and positive encouragement to stay the course, only to be painfully reminded so frequently that they have no belief, hope or trust in part of your potential to turn your dreams into reality?
What if you had a coach who had mastered the artistry of maximizing mistakes, could teach you how to own your results, good or bad, learn the lesson and take different and better action next time to get different and better results?
With such an advocate, partner and coach, might your shattered dreams begin, with just a spark and then a small flame, to illuminate your belief once again? Might the impossible begin to fade, just a little, and the probable begins to emerge?
If you are still reading, you may be crazy to enough to still believe that your passion, purpose and life’s calling cannot be squelched or smothered without enslaving your very soul!
If you are still reading, you are crazy enough to still believe, so what is keeping you from taking action right now and scheduling your complimentary session to begin the journey?