Kick Your Negative Self-Talk to the Curb
Posted on June 26, 2018 by Amanda Mausner, One of Thousands of Career Coaches on Noomii.
Feeling like you want to up-level your life or career? Learn how to kick the negative self-talk to the curb!
The first thing I work on with my clients, before even talking about careers or purpose, is the negative voice taking residency in their minds, controlling their actions and creating self-doubt on a daily basis.
It’s amazing to me that every single one of us has been imprinted with feelings of self-doubt and fear.
We all have this in common. But we all don’t have to accept this reality.
“I don’t have enough time to commit to x”
“I’m too old to find a career I love”
“I’m not good enough to do y.” Ring a bell?
I can’t expect people to find clarity in their career or mission in life when they feel so bogged down by their own thoughts. Thoughts which have been subconsciously ingrained for so long.
I assign my clients the task to write down their negative thoughts so that they can visually see how mean they are to themselves. And how far from the truth their OWN thoughts are. It’s sometimes heartbreaking to hear what people actually believe about themselves.
Have you ever written down the words and phrases that you believe about yourself? What would you feel if you wrote down your negative self-talk?
“If we saw someone else treating us the way most of us treat ourselves, we might think them despicably cruel.” Truth.
Worst of all, these thoughts become our behaviors, and inaction year-after-year.
But the good news is…you CAN manage the voices in your head.
You CAN catch yourself when you think thoughts that make you feel bad.
You CAN be aware of what triggers negative self-talk.
And you CAN realize that your thoughts aren’t always true.
In order to up-level any area of your life, whether it be career, relationship, health, it’s important to notice what your thoughts are saying and whether they are true or not.
These thoughts are there to scare you from taking action, sabotage you, hold you back, and keep you safe where you are. Once you realize their purpose, it becomes easier to minimize their power.
This is a big part of the work that I do and I wanted to share with you a recent client testimonial because when you work with me, you learn how to love yourself and treat yourself better, on top of finding a career that you love.
As always, feel free to send me a message or reach out if you have any questions!