B Positive : Power of Productivity
Posted on June 24, 2018 by Kuldeep Surolia, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
The article is part of the interaction done with Sir Kuldeep Surolia by his Life, business & Spiritual coachees
Question: Sir, First thing, how can we be successful in our work?
Answer: The immediate answer that comes to me is by making proper use of available time. Right? Now as a matured person, as a working professional you make maximum out of every hour at your office. Think you were late to office every day by 1-2 hours or say you submit all your assignments after the dead line then can you be happy yourself. If No, then can you be successful. Absolutely No.
You understand importance of being on time. You may ask me what sadvidya has to do with my professionalism? It does. The two key component of sadvidya which works behind you and makes money for you and makes you successful are punctuality and personality, which you sometimes in short way call professionalism.
Talking of punctuality in the light of Sadvidya, it gives you following benefits:
1. A strong character: being on time to work place is about your enthusiasm and dedication towards your work and company.
2. Relations with co workers: when you are on time, you get little extra time without being stressed out by the time you reach work place. This will aid you in exchanging a warm hello and smile with your co-workers. confidence: the habit of being on time with work assures you on each and every task you do. Because with this habit vanishes the way of postponing things and giving excuses to yourself and others.
3. Shows respect: Punctuality shows your respect for other’s time: when you have a meeting, for example, there are your seniors and juniors. When you don’t waste their time by making them wait for you, you are respecting them. This will likewise motivate others to take after your stride and put a push to be reliable, consequently making you a pioneer.
4. Self-confidence: Punctuality lifts your self
5. Authority: Punctuality will give you a sense of authority. This you may use to set high standards for your juniors.If you or say I am late to a scheduled meeting, it gives a subtle message that the late- comer regards his/ her time precious than that of others. Whereas being on time shows our respect for them and their time.
There are endless advantages from being punctual, besides giving you productivity at work it also gives you consideration when you genuinely have a cause in case of emergency.
Question 2: When we talk of punctuality another word simultaneously comes to mind is productivity in corporate sector. Please explain how sad vidya teach us importance of productivity?
Answer: What is the aim of Sad vidya in single word? Isn’t it betterment? Betterment in my life, betterment in my society and betterment in the whole cosmos, is what Sad vidya all about. This desire for betterment makes you punctual and productive at your work- not only at workplace but any work you take up.
Productivity at work place, productivity in economy, in society, in studies, in research are needed for development.
The component of sad vidya teaches us on the importance of being more productive with same inputs; sad vidya motivates us to use maximum of human potential, it also clarifies that only a strong application of human intellect can fulfil requirements of human race with limited resources.
See you not be an economist or a scientist or philosopher or to be a part of corporate sector to be productive. Sad vidya teaches us to be more productive and less destructive in your work. Whatever it is. If you are a student extract maximum from your books and teachers, recycle the material of book that’s a good step. If you are teacher be more productive by being a role model to your students. If you are a home maker be more productive by reducing household wastes, if you are a retired senior citizen be more productive by sharing your good experiences. I am just giving one example on how we all can be productive.
It is sad vidya component that inspires us to be more productive even when we are not paid for it as a self motivated individual doesn’t require any external carrots for delivery.
Question 3 : That means sad vidya keeps us self -motivated, to be more productive.
Answer: Absolutely.
Question 4: please explain importance of self-motivation.
Answer: Self- motivation is a power that drives us to continue pushing forward. It empowers nonstop learning and achievement, whatever be the situation. Self- motivation is an essential method for understanding our objectives and advancing. It is fundamentally identified with our innovativeness in defining dynamic objectives for ourselves, and our confidence that we have the required abilities and skills for accomplishing those testing objectives. We regularly feel the requirement for self- motivation.
Frustration, discouragement and depression mean you are working against yourself. The reverse is what works for us right? We have to work in sync with positive energies for this self-motivation is required. You need have a pleasant personality if you want to be successful. And for having a pleasant personality Be Poitive.
Question 4: How do you define a pleasant personality? And what are its advantages?
Answer: It is happiness we all seek for and work for. right? If I am angry or in some pain it becomes difficult for me to appreciate good things. Imagine yourself you got a terrible headache, then you can’t cherish a poetry or the beauty of a flower to the fullest, at least. You miss out some aesthetics because of your pain. Same is true with a wounded mind, you can’t see good in others if there is no good in your heart.
A pleasant personality is a state of mind that holds me in a state receptive for good things around. Is it a smiling face or a grin face that is graceful? A smiling face is a certificate of happy mind. This happy, calm mind is pleasant personality for me. There are tremendous positive attributes for pleasant personality.
1. First and for most, pleasant personality benefits your own self the most- you remain happy.
2. You make friends easily and maintain friendship.
3. Your relationships last longer.
4. You get helping hands when you need.
5. You are not stressed out and thus are more productive at work.
6. You stay away from arguments, come out with solutions, create win-win situations; the atmosphere around you will be vibrant.
7. Pleasant personality is not hypocrisy; you are strong enough to oppose injustice.
Question 5: How can we boost our productivity in all walks of life, through Sad vidya.
Answer: As I said earlier Sad vidya keeps us self-motivated for good work, thus our productivity increases. Let me explain the exact ways how we can do it.
1. Be happy, be pleasant – half work is done when there is no agitation in mind. Sad vidya teaches us the value of happiness.
2. Keep your body fit- A sound mind in the sound body. Go for yoga asanas, breathing exercises.
3. Keep your intelligence shining, I have already discussed super brain yoga, mind merory techniques, meditations that help boost brain power. If you are intelligent you can be more productive easily. And all humans have extra ordinary brain. Only we need to learn how to use this.
4. Understand and acknowledge importance of every work; sad vidya gives the vision of dignity and divinity. If you sweep the floor with full dedication you are meditating, if you give 100% of yourself to every small action its karma Yoga.
5. When you understand importance of your work productivity increases automatically. Say for example, if I tell you only you can save 100 lives here right now, won’t you do your best? You work at magnitudes of your basal efficiency once you know the importance and impact of work.
All the best for everyone to achieve their best. The driving force behind any good honest work is the legacy of sadvidya. Thank you
The article is interviewed as part of Sadvidya Series (Value Education) of which the renowned academician & Coach, Sir Kuldeep Surolia is a major proponent.
To invite or know more, visit www.KuldeepSurolia.com