Why you might want a personal development coach
Posted on April 28, 2018 by Kristin Walton, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
What is a personal development coach and how can it benefit you?
Life and personal development coaching is still a fairly new thing. Many people don’t yet know what we do or what would prompt them to seek support from a coach. This blog post is meant to highlight a few common areas where coaching can have a great effect.
1. Your feeling overwhelmed and anxious about your work or your afterwork life:
Dealing with anxiety is more common than you might think. In a recent study by Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 18% of the American population are affected by anxiety. That is nearly 1 in 5 people! And this doesn’t even count those who don’t seek help.
I recently had an experience last fall where worry, overwhelm and anxiety left me running to the stairwell at work, crying and gasping for breath. This happened because I was asked to complete an assignment that I did not feel confident with and I let my thoughts take over. Creating all the worst case scenarios in my head until I was having a full blown panic attack. #notfun
What I know now is that there are coping strategies that can minimize anxiety or, with consistent mindful practice, get rid of if for good.
2. When waking up in the morning you wish you felt more positive about the day ahead:
Aghhh aren’t mondays just the worst!!!
Ruts like this might creep up on you slowly, but at some point it’s going to be a big enough trigger that you’ll know you need to make a change.
At this time changing your circumstances or how you feel about your circumstances is needed ASAP. This can start by digging into your current situation and your unconscious desires.
3. Your feeling a lack of excitement or fulfillment in your life:
So now you’ve woken up about where you are in your career and you realise that you are far away from anything you find exciting. This is common because we often make decisions based on practicality not based on our gut intuition.
We feel like we need to make sure we’re taking jobs that pay us enough money; jobs that live up to the expectation of our family and friends.
There’s no need to do this; middle ground can be found. It just takes an open mind and some self exploration.
4. You want change but fear and worry are holding you back:
Fear is in you for a reason. It’s often your ego trying to keep you safe from disappointment and pain. But what’s more disappointing is to never be brave enough to take a chance on something that could be great.
Let’s unpack that fear and see what’s really behind it. Failure can be a great learning experience but it’s all in how you look at it.
5. Your relationships are not where you want them to be:
You may have already learnt that having expectations or a “manual” for how you want other people to act will never help you achieve happiness in your relationships. But learning why you act and do certain things can help you build understanding for changing yourself.
What you give to another person is what you receive back. What do you want to feel? Start giving it now and see what comes back to you.
6. You have an idea but you need someone to hold you accountable:
We all procrastinate to some extent or another. However, this can mean not moving towards achieving our goals for months or even years.
At this point you need a good kick in the butt. Making some smaller weekly goals and having someone hold you accountable to them can do amazing wonders. Will-power fades and can only get you so far. Having a commitment to another person is that extra push that will keep you going.
A life and personal development coach can help transform all of these areas and get you moving towards a life that you really want.