Prosperity Is Closer Than You Think
Posted on March 02, 2011 by Nicole Isler, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Ready to speed up on your path of prosperity?
Ready to speed up on your path of prosperity? Manifesting all that you’ve ever wanted is easier than you think and you are probably closer than you realize. There are hundreds of ways to stimulate cash flow and change your financial status, most of which start from within you.
The most important step is taking action. Great ideas are nothing without action. How do you choose what to implement and take action on first? Choose what excites you the most and seems the easiest. Yes, it’s that simple.
It’s time you begin to strengthen, or even transform your money mindset and live healthier and wealthier. Here are seven simple steps to start.
1) Act as if and you are. People will perceive you as you present yourself. Study people that are successful and already have money. How do they walk, talk, dress and behave? What are their concepts and mindset about money? What kind of books do they read, seminars do they attend and who do they socialize with? Read and attend the same. How do they make decisions or evaluate opportunities? Typically people with money behave differently and make decisions based on different criteria than people who fear running out of money. They focus on the positive and see life as a buffet of opportunities. The “Achievers” in life dress for success and carry themselves with poise and confidence. They talk and present ideas with certainty. They always appear at the top of their game with great energy and focus. They are clear on what they want and have their goals clearly mapped down to every detail. This makes all the difference in the world when it comes to opportunity. If you had a project you needed help with, would you approach someone that had it together, was high energy and displayed confidence, or someone that looked ragged, disorganized and run-down? Opportunity heads straight to those that are prepared to handle it! So act as if and you are soon rolling in opportunities and the money will follow.
2) Improve who you are everyday. The number one thing you want to work on everyday is yourself. Read more, study, observe, assess, exercise, eat healthier, etc. The more you take care of you and build who you are, the more energy and confidence you will have. There are many ways to improve your self in mind, body and spirit. Read everything you can on a variety of topics to expand your knowledge. By simply reading 30 minutes everyday, you will triple your income in one year. The more you know, the more you build your confidence and the more you have to offer in conversations. You become the “go-to” person for family, friends and clients when it comes to innovative ideas. No time to read? Listen to books on cd while you are doing other activities like exercise, commute time in the car or preparing a healthy dinner in the kitchen. Anything that gets you to move well, think well and eat well will grow you from the inside out. Be accountable and responsible for your results and take charge of your life. If you even improve who you are by 1% everyday can you imagine the growth in a year? 365%? That’s huge! You’ll have more opportunities than you can act on and your financial results will transform and explode. Make a list of simple things you can do to improve who you are everyday!
3) Focus on what you want. What you focus on expands so be selective and focus on the positive outcome you desire. Most of us stay stuck on what we don’t want and wind up with a life full of it. If you were given a shopping spree to buy whatever you wanted, would you go purchase everything you can’t stand in the wrong color and fit and then be dazed and confused as to why you had all these things that you never wanted in the first place? Of course not. Your mind is like that shopping spree and you get to use it to shop in the catalog of life. Decide to pick out what you really want, what you really like and what really fits you best. The key is to eliminate what you don’t want. Focus on things you don’t want and you’ve just bought into misery by attracting more of what you don’t want. You get what you think about. When you select your “purchase”, your subconscious mind begins to create ways to deliver what you want…or don’t want. It’s your choice either way. So put in your order for the good stuff and you’ll have all that you want!
4) Be grateful for what you have. The greatest way to attract more opportunity and prosperity into your life is to have an attitude of gratitude. For anyone that’s ever watched the movie Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory, your memory is crystal clear how annoying the little girl was that screamed her head off about wanting a golden egg…NOW. She pouted and complained and no matter what came her way it was never enough. She wound up with nothing. Have you ever known a child like that? They pout and complain and no matter what they get, it’s never big enough or grand enough for them. Typically we don’t feel like giving them anything else after that. Now think of a child you may know that loves everything they receive. You want to shower them with surprises just to see their eyes light up. The Universe is the same way with you and delivers when you are grateful. The Universe delivers in heaping amounts might I add. Remember how Charlie handled himself in the movie? He was tested and no matter what he was grateful for what he had experienced. He even gave back and said thank you and he was rewarded beyond his wildest dreams! Putting yourself in a state of gratitude raises your vibration and energy level. You become more attractive and pleasant to be around. People want to share, help and work with other people that are grateful. When you see your life through eyes of abundance you feel secure and fulfilled. This allows you to give to others and be open to receiving all that the Universe has to offer you when it comes your way. The key is to be grateful for what you have and then ask for more!
5) Become unattached to money. No one owns money, it’s universal and it is meant to flow. Think of your money like the tide of the ocean. Would you ever believe the tide was not going to come in again? No and you want to think of money in the same way. Money flows in and out just as the waves rush over the sand. The key is to create tidal waves of cash flow that over saturate your life and stay to soak in with little going back out. By trying to hang-on to your money you not only feel a loss when you have to pay money out but you also stop the flow of money coming in. Would you hold your breath to get more air to breath? Don’t attach yourself to your money expecting to hang on to all of it to get more either. The more you send out with an expectation to receive more money, the greater the return. This goes back to gratitude, energy and vibration all attracting more opportunities, etc. A great example is how many people wait to pay their bills dreading it as a loss. Here’s a new twist, be grateful for your bills! Ok, not your bills but the service, product or experience that you are paying for. Your phone bill provides a service for you to communicate with family, friends and clients for example. When you pay your bills as soon as you get them, you release the money back into the Universe for someone else to use. You are providing prosperity to someone on the receiving end. You also feel free of the burden of having bills to pay on your mind. Money is like the ocean and you can enjoy the waves crashing up on your shore!
6) Think outside the box. There are many positive ways to generate money flow into your life if you put your creative hat on. Many times in life we get conditioned to think and see things one way and it limits our possibilities. We sabotage ourselves by taking an old approach to a new situation. We focus on what is not working, what has failed in the past and what is lacking and we wind up feeling trapped. There are tons of ways to earn money, borrow money, exchange money, etc. The trick is to come up with your way. Take a paper and pen and get creative it’s time for some “Blue Sky Thinking”. With a clear mind, no clouded perceptions, start to make a list of any and every way you can come up with to generate and manifest money. Your ideas cannot be wrong, some will just be better than others. Share your list with a mentor or people in your life that have no limit thinking. You may be surprised at what you come up with. Next time you’re feeling short on cash flow and you’re not sure if there’s enough to come your way, realize there is no shortage of money in this world. (Las Vegas is proof of it!) Need an example closer to home? Next time you go for a drive in your car, observe all the businesses along the way. Think about all the people that pass through the doors and exchange their money for products and services. Money is everywhere and all around you. Now, think outside the box and get started on your creative list to attract that money into your life!
7) Money is energy. The paper and metal that represent money mean nothing except the meaning we give to it. What energy do you give to money? It’s how you feel about money that makes the difference in how you use money. Money is a resource that provides for needs and experiences in your life. Creating a loving relationship with money will help you to appreciate it and treat it with respect. Negative feelings will only shut you down and repel money from flowing your way. Identify your emotions about money. Do you feel fear, anxiety or depressed? Does your energy drop when you think of your financial situation because you don’t feel like you have enough money? You can improve your emotions about money and begin to think abundantly. Start by keeping a $100 bill in your purse or wallet wrapped within your smaller bills. This is not to spend or to show off, it’s only to give a sense of security. This actually stops you from feeling broke or short on cash. Just knowing that money is there will help you to feel more confident and your mind will be at peace at the thought of it. Every time you see it in your purse or wallet you’ll stimulate a subconscious thought that confirms you have plenty of money. Don’t like the numbers in your bank account? They’re only numbers! Copy your statement, white out the numbers and write in what you want to see. Even your statement is paper and print. It’s how you feel about the information on the page that makes the difference. “Act as if” your new statement represents money you already have and allow yourself to feel grateful and excited. Give your brain a target to focus on and you will soon have it.
Start to feel good about money and all that it provides for you. See money as a way to improve your standard of living. Money offers choices and creates opportunities if it’s treated with respect. It does not guarantee happiness or success, that’s completely up to you. Choose rich thoughts and emotions and you will be one of the wealthiest people you know in every area of your life.