Climb Out Of The Bucket
Posted on March 03, 2011 by Nicole Isler, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Here's a story about crabs, as in the kind you eat, that you may find as interesting as I did.
When a fisherman places a bunch of crabs in a bucket one or two get the bright idea to climb on out of that bucket and run to freedom.
The interesting thing is that just as these bright crabs make it to the top of the bucket, the others reach up with their claws and pull the escaping crab right back down. That’s why you’ll never see a lid on a bucket of crabs.
No need. They self-suppress. Remind you of anyone you know?
Think about it for a moment. Are you surrounded by “crabs” pulling you down back into the bucket? These crabs could be those closest to you, people you occasionally hang out with, people at work, relatives or friends.
Fear is their motivator. (False Evidence Appearing Real) They always have a reason to burst your bubble, (your “bubble” is your great idea or dream) but they conceal their fear as genuine concern. Here’s an example…
“Why would you want to start your own business?
Don’t you know how much that costs? Why take on all that stress?”
“Why would you want to leave your job security? Do you know how
many businesses fail? Why take that risk? Don’t you think it’s better to play it safe?”
Sound familiar? Who popped in your mind as you were reading this? (Take note!)
If there was ever a skill you need to strengthen, it would be the ability to identify the crabs in your life – the people, the “negative nelly” types that have so much to say and no facts to back it up. It’s all based on their own fears and false opinions. So many times we let those “opinions” influence our thinking and scare us back into our comfortably numb way of thinking.
Don’t buy in to everything they say. Take an assessment before you process. How successful are they? How happy are they in general? Do they have goals they’re working toward? Are they making progress? What are their other relationships like? You have to look at the messenger before you accept the message. Are they living according to what they’re trying to tell you? How is that helping them or setting them back?
I certainly don’t mean to say that you should judge them, I am trying to say be selective when taking advice, not everyone is right all the time. If you find someone to be negative, or unsupportive, thank them for their consideration and move on to another topic-fast. Then go talk to someone that is already doing what you want to do!
Don’t forget to look in the mirror. Your subconscious, fear based thoughts and ideas that hold you back from achieving your personal goals can pull you back in the bucket too. There are ways to overcome those self-sabotaging fears.
When you feel the “crabs” grab hold of your positive attitude-don’t fall for it. Don’t let them get into your head. When you feel tested the most is the very moment you are just one small leap from achieving your goal. So shake’em off and RUN full speed!
I don’t know what your goal is in business or in life. Maybe you want to start your own business. Or maybe you want a reliable and secure cash flow or the ability to determine your own income. Or how about the ability to do what you want when you want? To earn what you want? (I do, and I love it!)
It’s not impossible. Plenty of other people have achieved HUGE success. (it’s really quite simple once you create a map)
I want you to do something right now that will practically ensure your success. I want you to take positive action-hire a coach, say an affirmation, go for a walk-do something for yourself! I’ve been where you are now and I made it out of the bucket! You can too. If there was ever a sure-fire way to take your life to the next level – this is it!