Everyone Needs a Personal Board of Directors
Posted on March 30, 2018 by Lisa Barrington, One of Thousands of Leadership Coaches on Noomii.
Do you have a personal board of directors (PBOD)? In this article, Lisa explains the value of having a PBOD and how you can build one!
Let’s face it: We live in a world full of choices and unlimited amounts of information available to us when making decisions. Whether it be a job change, a relationship conundrum, or a decision related to health, sometimes talking these decisions through is the best way to sift through the data and consider all the possible outcomes. When I need that kind of help, I’m glad to have a personal board of directors (PBOD).
The best personal board of directors will tell it like it is
Not a week goes by where I don’t consult someone on my PBOD.
Your PBOD exists to act as a sounding board, to advise you and to provide you with feedback on your life decisions, opportunities and challenges.
A PBOD doesn’t necessarily meet as a whole, and it’s your choice as to whether you formally identify individuals as members of your PBOD.
The best PBOD is one that is diverse and willing to provide their true opinions or advice. They provide unfiltered feedback that you often won’t get from colleagues or friends.
You don’t want advisors who will say things to make you feel good about yourself or your choices. That’s why, ideally, your PBOD shouldn’t consist of immediate family, as they might be too personally invested in an outcome to provide guidance that is purely in your best interest.
Building a PBOD is easier than you think
Now you’re probably thinking, "Wow, I really need a PBOD. How do I build one?”
First, you should select people with whom you regularly keep in touch, so when you reach out to them, it feels natural.
Once you’ve got them on board, let them know you appreciate their input and will carefully consider it, whether you follow their guidance or not. You should also let your PBOD members know how their advice helped you with a decision or moved you closer to your goal.
Keep in mind that PBODs are typically not going to be accountability partners. That said, you get to decide the roles you want for your PBOD. So if you want someone (or several someones) to hold you accountable, negotiate that up front. And if you don’t want that, negotiate that up front.
And remember: this is an unpaid gig! So, look for ways to reciprocate. What can you do for them? Introduce them to someone? Help them out with a project that you are skilled in? Watch their house when they’re on vacation?
Although most people don’t convene their PBOD, you can! If you do, prepare for the meeting and be thoughtful of everyone’s time. Make sure everyone is on board with your plan to meet. Of course, make it convenient for them.
Whom do you invite to your PBOD?
To get the most out of your PBOD, you want a variety of different people who know you from different perspectives, and who bring different skills and approaches to decision making. Some of the people you should include on your PBOD are:
Someone in your field (e.g., in your profession or industry)
Someone who is one of your greatest cheerleaders
Someone who is in or has been in your circumstance (e.g., single parent, transitioning careers later in life)
Someone who has and is ready to critique you (your decisions/actions)
Someone who is a leader in the area in which you aspire to grow or succeed (e.g., professional, spiritual, personal)
Someone of another generation (one person from a generation older and one person from a generation younger)
Someone who can introduce you to others (e.g., in your profession or community)
Think about it this way: Companies, large and small, often have a board of directors to help them see other perspectives — to guide them, and in many cases, to hold them accountable. Do you have all the answers, or do you think you would benefit from the guidance of a group of wise men and women?
I say go build your PBOD. And let me know if it benefited you in your next big decision!
This post was originally published by Lisa in Forbes’ Coaches Council CommunityVoice — an invitation-only division of Forbes Magazine — where Lisa is a member and contributing author.