Develop Your Superpowers using CliftonStrengths®
Posted on March 24, 2018 by Dee Burns, One of Thousands of Leadership Coaches on Noomii.
CliftonStrengths® for superhuman strengths!
Despite what movies would have you believe, superpowers are not restricted to supersonic speed, invisibility, or even flight. In fact, when it comes to CliftonStrengths®, we’re all capable of developing superpowers. Except, in this sense, they are embedded in our personal strengths and emerge when we strategically pair and activate them.
We naturally pair our strengths to execute work, influence others, develop relationships, and make decisions. So when the question “how can I transform my lesser strengths into dominant strengths?” presents itself during a coaching session, I find the answer to be an easy one – you don’t have to. Instead, we identify the task, goal, or situation at hand. Next, we concentrate on what comes naturally to the client. What feels inherently right and how can we leverage those strengths to complete the task, accomplish the goal, or address the situation? Self-exploration follows and it is always in the form of a superpower – a strategic combination of strengths that empowers a client to deliver exceptional performance by embracing their Top 5.
Clients may not exit the session by taking flight through my office window or walking through my door, but they do leave feeling just a bit more superhuman. :)