Step-by-Step Method to Bring Transcendent Relationships into Your Life
Posted on March 19, 2018 by Ashley Smith, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Learn how to use your mind, heart, body, and story to make transcendent relationships throughout your life.
NEWS FLASH: We are all humans just creating a story through this crazy thing called life!
It is time for us all to stop walking with our head down and start transcending!
Transcendent Relationships; a connection that is beyond the normal range of physical human experience. It goes deeper then touch and sound. It is the energy that you can make with another person and the collision of two stories becoming one.
Our world needs transcendent connections so badly, right now! There is no need for separation because we are all just humans trying to navigate this insanely, amazing world. If we can transcend together and open each other up to new ideas, new creations, and new perspectives, then we can all start thinking GIGANTICALLY and making amazing shit happen!
If you make room to coexist with other people each day, then your life will be more abundant. Think about it; double the inspiration, double the ideas, double the love! Spend your days adapting to people around you and making a point to deepening your connection with at least 1-2 people a day.
We are beautiful humans who can create magical moments in time together. Yes, we could do life alone BUT to be touched by another being through body & soul is the real adventure! Accepting another person’s entire worth and life will bring so much energy to your own. Accept their flaws, their magic, their love, and their past. Colliding two stories together is where the growing gets faster.
I used to be stubborn (still am in other aspects of my life), but I was stubborn on the fact that I did not need or want anyone’s help or input. I was an empowered woman who could do it all. This story used to serve me because I needed that empowered and independent women. I needed her to get through the daily task of growing up too fast in my household. I had to be the strong one, so it made me go into adult life, thinking that I still didn’t need others. If I could do it all as a child, why couldn’t I do it as an adult? This made me weak I have realized. Weak from holding it all up and never adding others energy to my life. Weak without those transcendent relationships around me. I took my old stories and bagged them up because they were not going to define me. Nobody needed to know those stories because it did not encompass the woman I was today. This instantly closed a part of myself off to important people in my life. This is what was feeding those ‘on the surface relationship’ because I was not telling my entire story to the world. That energy was lost.
I am going to get you kicked off right with some simple steps to start transcending into every person in your life. Take these steps slow and listen to your body. If it tells you to slow down, because things are getting too heavy, then absolutely do so. These relationships might take time but after you accomplish one, the rest will start to become so natural.
Step One: Your Mind
Tap into your inspiring mind and pull all the magical parts out. We all know how beautiful our minds are, but do we let people behind the scenes ever? There are so many ideas swirling around in your head all day and it is a damn shame to let those ideas go to waste. If you can share them with the world then those ideas can grow and become Gigantic! Another human being might have something to add to your idea to make it even better! Two minds are always stronger than one so why not start collaborating and letting me know your true, insightful, magic?!
To do this, you can start a list of “My Mindful Notes.” List every piece of info that you believe will add to the world, help others know you better, and give a piece of your energy to another person’s life. After you start growing your list, you then can share one piece of ‘you’ a day to another being. Spread your mind around! Give us the intel because we need it!
Step Two: Your Heart
Next, you will open that abundant heart. Our hearts are so fragile but so incredibly strong at the same time. They can forgive, love, and teach all at once. I know that you know the truth behind your heart, but how many people have you shared that truth with? To start the process of opening of the heart we must take the hate out of everything! This makes your heart incredibly strong and ready to share with others. If you could look back and replace the word hate with the word love in your dialogue, how would that change your relationships? What if you replaced the word hate with forgive?
I am going to tell you to make another list today. (I LOVE lists if you haven’t noticed! It’s the only way to make my chaotic mind sound sane.) This list is going to be called, “My Love Letter.” Write down all the things, people, and ideas you love. Make it known to yourself then start sharing it with the world. Always add to this list as you grow and make sure to share one LOVE from your list to a new person each week! This will be your guide to expanding your heart’s desires to your loved ones. You will start to connect with others on a totally different level and help the gravitational pull of new relationships. Once you share your heart with the world, the right people will come along with the same loves for a pure, transcendent connection!
Step Three: Your Body
Your body is the most intimate part of you and can be very sensitive + shy. Your body could have trauma or maybe was never shown the correct kind of touch. I am not talking about in a sexual way (but I am always thinking in a sexual way so take this part how you want it.) I am talking about the body language and touch that you use when communicating with people. It is so powerful and sometimes can be heard louder than words.hese actions all give off a blunt energy and it is your choice if that energy is negative or positive. If you choose to be closed off with your body language, then it makes others not want to tell you their story and not want to come back for more engagement. This is nowhere near making transcendent relationships. This is just interacting with another person and then brushing them off. Your stories never had a chance to collide and enhance one another. Opening your body to others can be tricky for some. You might be afraid of rejection or getting too close. Why let fear stop you from really connecting with another human’s life? You could be missing out on some magical relationship or insight and the only thing that stopped you was your body language. You have complete control!
Let’s start by just noticing the ways your body moves when talking or engaging with people. Write down what you do with your arms, eyes, legs, and posture. Don’t be alarmed by what you discover because you do have the POWER to change your body language! Take that insight and make a positive change in everything you discover. If you find out that you look away when others are speaking, make a note the next day to keep eye contact. Make it a game and record how many people you make eye contact with through the day! Notice how your conversation changes with them. Do they start to tell you more of their story? Do they engage longer with you?
Step Four: Your Story
Now, for the tough one, your story. This one feels huge, but I promise it will feel incredibly freeing after you are done. I want you to write down all the parts of your story from childhood to now. Make a fun timeline (CRAFT TIME). The key parts or moments that you can remember. This should feel so good to release, especially if you are like me and have chosen in the past to sweep it under the rug. Make those stories have a light so that they can come out of your heavy shadow. Next, start to tell a piece of your story each month. This one is heavy so I think once a month is the best for your story to be told in the most impactful and peaceful way. You can do this to a friend, lover, or be wild and tell a stranger. You can share your story through social media, blogging, or go crazy and write a book or short story to publish to the world! Just get that beautiful story out into the world and let it collide with others! Make Gigantic moves with your story and see how many people it can impact!