Are you sabotaging your success?
Posted on February 23, 2011 by Levya Braman, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
How many times have you sabotaged your own success, been your own worst enemy? Find out how to keep repeating the same self-defeating patterns.
So often we want our lives to be different but we keep doing the same behaviors over and over again; Einstein calls this insanity!
Whether you’re trying to improve your love life, health and wellness, work on your financial situation,or simply gain confidence and increase self-esteem, becoming aware of your habits or patterns is an essential first step. You may find that you’re contributing to the very problems you’re trying to eliminate and sabotaging your success.
We say we want change, but when it comes right down to it, change often is difficult or uncomfortable, so we revert back to our old ways. Being clear on ‘why’ you want to grow in this area, having a solid reason that clicks with you, will help you keep going when you feel like quitting. When your reason to change is compelling, you’ll be willing to let go of the old and move into new territory.
The third important key for your success is having accountability. It’s just human nature to try and get by with what we can. How many times have you told yourself you’d do something that day, only to let it slide? Or how many times have you started a diet only to sneak food when no one was looking?
When we know we have to account for our actions, we’re much more likely to stick to our action plan. Having an accountability partner or coach will help you stay on track and lessen the chances of continued self-sabotage.
In the end, we create our lives by the choices we make. And quite simply, all that is needed to improve or change an area of one’s life is to start making choices that align more with what you want than what you currently have. Yeah, simple but not always easy!
We are complex beings with free will. That means we often say we want one thing but our choices reflect the opposite. Getting your choices aligned with the person you know you can be, will cause you to experience peace of mind and happiness. Making choices that contradict your vision for yourself will lead only to frustration and feelings of defeat.
Everyone benefits when you succeed; it gives others hope and you feel better about yourself. Isn’t it time you quit sabotaging your success?