It’s The New Secret to Financial Freedom
Posted on March 16, 2018 by Michelle Tascoe, One of Thousands of Money and Finance Coaches on Noomii.
Imagine also that you now have the ability to set aside 20% of your monthly income for savings while still being able to do the things that you enjoy.
Imagine that you just paid off $11,500 of debt and put aside $4,500 in savings. Imagine also that you now have the ability to set aside 20% of your monthly income for savings while still being able to do the things that you most enjoy.
It’s The New Secret to Financial Freedom
Aviva, 33, a social media and marketing account rep in Los Angeles was able to do this with my help as her financial coach. This is a common result clients reach with the direction and guidance of a financial coach.
So what is financial coaching exactly and how can you benefit from it?
Financial coaching begins with a one-on-one relationship where you (the client) set the agenda about what financial goals you want to reach. These goals can range from getting out of debt, learning how to manage money, how to stop living paycheck to paycheck, creating wealth, overcoming fears of opening mail because the bills keeps piling high, and fear of financial failure.
You Are Almost There!
It is a collaborative process. Your financial coach helps you establish realistic and attainable goals throughout your sessions. They then coach you on how to create a plan to reach those goals. Expect to have homework that you work on in between coaching sessions. Homework will vary from client to client but in all cases homework consists of the action items that you need to execute in order to get to the next level. More importantly know that your coach will follow-up with you to ensure that you follow through.
Why does financial coaching work so well?
“Coaches are experts in holding people accountable” says Michael Collins, the faculty director for the center for Financial Security at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
The coaching process has been proven to work well facilitated under the guidelines of the IFC. Unlike a financial advisor or financial planner that uses their knowledge and expertise to tell you what to do, the financial coach guides you through the coaching process by asking you clear questions so you can see what has been stopping you from reaching your goals. Then they help you put together a plan to specifically address those challenges and help you to grow to get better at accomplishing them. Thus you are independent and stronger in your thinking and being as it relates to your financial wheel-house. In the end, you become better at handling your finances, and this makes all the difference.
Is financial coaching right for me?
In an article in US News and Work Report, Should You Hire a Money Coach? Tea Austin, 34, a criminal defense lawyer in Los Angeles knew it was time to work with a money coach saying, “I hit a wall personally and professionally, I felt immobile.” That is when he turned to coaching and as a result of coaching he has doubled his income and increased his confidence tremendously.
You Made It!
Timing is everything. Now could be the best time to hire a financial coach. You know this because of the internal want to and the desire to change things despite how many walls you’ve hit. If you are struggling in anyway where you just feel stuck, you keep repeating the same pattern when it comes to money, you feel overwhelmed to pay your bills, you don’t want to look at your credit card balances or you just can’t get ahead financially no matter how much money you make, then it might be time to work with a financial coach.
Your financial coach,
Michelle Tascoe | Life Coach
Money | Debt | Accountability
Office | 209.532.4030
Email |
It’s The New Secret to Financial Freedom