Right Now is All We Have
Posted on February 22, 2011 by Eric Johnson, One of Thousands of Business Coaches on Noomii.
Make the most of your life right now.
Many people…
…worry about the future.
…ache about the past.
…neglect to live in the present.
What kind of life is that?
Do we seriously want to walk through our lives doing this?
Future: Worry is the best way to abuse your imagination. Abuse comes from the words “abnormal use.” In other words, God did not give us the ability to imagine for the purpose of worrying. Worry is imagination at its very worst. It plays the worst-case scenarios and directly hurts your health and well being in doing so. A great joy in life is learning that art of living your life right now. Here’s what either I myself and others have thought:
- When I graduate college, then it will all come together.
- If only I had item X, then I’d feel great.
- If I can just land the right job, then everything will click.
- If my business would just take off, then life would be amazing.
- If only I were married, then I would feel more complete and together.
- If we had kids, then we’d feel like a real couple.
At worst, we defer living right now for the sake of something we think will be greater in the future. However, once we attain something, even if it’s great, we find that the shine dissipates. The car gets scratched, the new boss turns out to be a jerk, and so forth. Disillusionment takes place and we’re left thinking “Well I guess that wasn’t it after all… but if I can just…” And the process repeats.
Past: The past they we’ve written and/or that in some ways was written for us becomes in a sense debilitating. Because of a blend of reasons and responses, people cripple their future and their present because of their past. “You don’t know what I did.” “You can’t understand what they put me through.” Yesterday ended last night. Right now it’s a new day. Why are you letting your past dictate your future to you? Why are you allowing self-sabotage?
- Your past is not who you are.
- Your past is not the best predictor of your future.
- Your past can be overcome.
Do what you have to. If you’re stuck here, then that means you need to take a step in a different direction. Instead of buying self-help books, consider going to a therapist. Instead of holding it in, be courageous and join a self-help group. Remember, “self-help” is a great place to camp but it’s a terrible place to set up residence. Deal with your past in the present so you can brighten your future.
Present: It is the key. The present is the “sweet spot” of life. Sometimes, due to our aching about the past and worrying about the future, the power of the present gets overlooked and devalued. However, we should deeply value the present every single day. Poor stewardship of the present will impair you in every area of life. However, being a wise steward of the present will prosper you in every aspect of your life.
What are practical ways to live in the present?
Deposit. Make deposits today that will brighten your future. Develop a framework for your week (what you do and when). Budget. Practice moderation in your eating habits. Exercise. Laugh with friends. Bless people. Give financially. Volunteer somewhere. Your life shouldn’t be like the Dead Sea where water only enters doesn’t exit (it evaporates). It should be like a sea where water flows in and out. Life is rich when there’s fluidity, which allows change and movement to take place both for us and others. Never neglect making deposits into life-giving habits (see the blog entry with that title).
Listen. When someone is talking to you, listen with your whole self. Ask them questions about what they’re sharing. Instead of viewing conversations as one-dimensional or simply an information exchange, view them as short journeys. Through the interaction, go somewhere with the person. This can open yourself up to the power that lies in the present.
Play. You’re an adult, a professional, have a title or two, have won awards, yadda yadda. That’s great – congratulations… but PLAY anyway! People never outgrow the need for play. One day following church service, I saw my senior pastor lying on his back in the lobby playing with a baby. Despite having a PhD, being influential in his denomination and leading our church of 1400 people – he still knows how to play! And guess what? People do not respect him any less for it. In fact, they probably respect him even more.
Realize the value of “right now”. Obviously, I like the words “right now”! One reason is because every moment gives us an opportunity for something, whether it be creativity, connection, work, rest, play, contribution or personal growth. Our lives are not meant to be thrown away with excessive entertainment, harmful addictions or purposelessness. There is deep value in life waiting to be discovered, unfolded and released. Right now is simple and powerful.
Give the present the attention it deserves. If you pay attention to the present, the present will pay attention to you. You will notice things you’d never noticed. You will appreciate things you’ve been taking for granted. Instead of a boring “every week repeats itself” mentality, you will add more gusto and adventure to your life. More significantly, you will realize more and more the deep value and honor it is to be living your life.
“You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment.” Henry David Thoreau
Don’t miss out. Right now is the only time you can live in the present. *