How to talk to yourself better!
Posted on February 10, 2018 by Makeala Brittain, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
When YOU talk, YOU are listening. Is it uplifting or damaging?
Before we get started, yes, I said talk to yourself:). I am referring to the internal conversations we all have with ourselves, all day long! Positive self-talk is extremely important to our overall well-being, so here are some ways to have better internal conversations:
Remember why self-talk is important-simply put, our self-talk can impact our overall well-being.
Replace & Reframe-When we reframe, we are changing the way we look at the world. This involves being skeptical of the negative thoughts that enter our minds. As Helga Klopcic and KC Harry put it in their book titled Remove Negative Thinking: How to Instantly Harness Mindfulness and The Power of Positive Thinking, “the key is to first challenge the negative thought and know that they were inaccurate, and then replace them with something more positive and truthful.” Example: “I cannot land a good job; I don’t have any good skills.” Now, is it really that the person doesn’t have ANY good skills? Likely not. Example of replacement: “I am struggling to find work but will exhaust all avenues and resources; I will also tap into my true passion and zone in on those skill areas.” Then begin to take action!
Affirmations- When we affirm, we have a statement of truth that establishes a specific course of action. Here are a few characteristics of effective affirmations: positive, present tense, balance(write affirmations for each area of life), and realistic. If it is not something realistic to the person, it may be difficult to stay motivated. Example: I walk 20-30 minutes 3- 4 times a week, and I am enthusiastic because I am healthier because of it. (For some people, a longer commitment of days and times might be realistic, but that is one example).
Remember, habits can take time to create and break-be patient on your positive self-talk journey!