Everyone builds a monument to symbolize their life.
Posted on January 29, 2018 by Joshua Knight, One of Thousands of Relationship Coaches on Noomii.
Don’t neglect to keep doing all the small things that have made successes in your life.
The differences between successful people, and people that have given into failure, are extremely small. To successful people, these small significant traits and daily rituals pile up on top of each other to culminate into a mountain of success.
On the complete opposite side of this mountain, is what seems to be an un-crossable valley of failure, carved out by a culmination of small seamlessly insignificant actions and thoughts made by the people that fail.
We alone are the architects of these mountains and valleys in our life. Both successful and non-successful people have traits and talents that they can use to either build a monument to their success, or a memorial to their defeat. At the end of your life, you will leave one of these structures erected in your honor for the entire world to see. Everyone will see it. Your wife/husband, friends, family, acquaintances, business associates, enemies, and especially your children.
I knew a women by the name of Rachel Wiedeke. She worked for one of my companies for a length of time. She told our office something I will never forget. She said, “Excuses are tools of incompetence, used to build monuments of nothingness, and those that use them seldom amount to anything.” Such a powerful statement for anyone that cares about their legacy.
In closing, don’t neglect to keep doing all the things that have made you the winner you are today. Even the small things will help keep the momentum of growth in your life from slipping backward. If you are not a winner right now in this specific time that you’re reading this, then look back to a time that you were a winner. Remember the feeling. Remember what you did to get there. Remember the sacrifice and the victory. Remember the pride and the honor. Remember the changes and choices you made that led you there. Dwell on it constantly.