3 Ways to Have Your Head Clear for the Job at Hand
Posted on February 17, 2011 by Jim Boyer, One of Thousands of Business Coaches on Noomii.
Our repetitive thoughts can often get in the way of achieving what we really want.
3 Ways to Have Your Head Clear for the Job at Hand
Early mornings are my time, I use them to think about, happy thoughts, to chill out, or even do some business planning. This day I was on my morning run when I caught myself thinking, in great detail, about how right I was in a disagreement over the $20 postage charge on a $20 item I had sold on ebay, HANG ABOUT! How important is this anyway?
So, what value were these stories (thoughts) adding to my life?. …None!.. this dispute was sucking energy from me and using valuable head space that could be used for something else– .
I made a decision, if the payment hadn’t come through in a couple of days I would just send the item with a note, please pay what you think is a fair amount.
Why do this? To take a risk of not being paid at all? Because it’s my way to be back in control of my thoughts, I am no longer controlled by some anonymous lady who has no idea I am upset.
Its not about if I’m right, its about moving on from a situation that wastes my mental energy.
Did I carry out my plan? No. Once I made a decision the merry-go-round in my head stopped, and the action was not necessary.
Where else does this happen? Here are a couple of common examples:
In business I find people can get into stories like this about employees, customers, suppliers. Spending their mental power on an upset instead of what’s important. (You wouldn’t do that of course)
At Christmas time, a family member who thinks someone has done them wrong, wasting their entire mental energy on hating them and plotting what should be done.
If only their enemy knew the damage this person was inflicting on himself on the enemy’s behalf. They would be dancing in the street with joy! Which they probably are anyway as they have no Idea anyone is upset with them.
We all get caught in this situation at times, the power is in how long it takes to see the trap we are in and get out of it.
Some suggestions:
Ask “can I talk to you about something that concerns me?”
Make a effort to see their point of view (even if its wrong) then forget about it.
Buy a couple of beers and start the relationship over again.
P.S. Abuse, makes both the situation and your self talk worse, keep it positive
Jim Boyer,
Small business Coach
Ph 0407 335 991