Posted on January 24, 2018 by Sydney Ceruto, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Learn how to effectively manage anxiety.
Anxiety is the body’s physical response to fear. The symptoms might include: racing heart, rapid breathing, sweaty palms, butterflies in your stomach and bursts of energy.
Everyone feels anxious at times, and a certain level of anxiety is both normal and even helpful in some situations. Anxiety is our body’s way of keeping us safe. For instance, imagine you’re walking home, and you’re dragging your feet because you’re tired. Out of the corner of your eye, you think you see a snake. Suddenly, you forget how tired you are and have a burst of energy that helps you to get away.
Anxiety can also motivate us. If we feel a bit anxious about an assignment that’s due, it can help us to get it done on time. However, feeling too much anxiety about something usually gets in the way and can be unhealthy.
An anxiety disorder occurs when anxiety starts to severely impact a person’s life. Rather than feeling anxious in response to actual danger, someone with an anxiety disorder will experience the same symptoms in situations they perceive as dangerous that really are quite benign.
This type of steady, all-over anxiety is called Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Other anxiety-related disorders include panic attacks—severe episodes of anxiety which happen in response to specific triggers—and obsessive-compulsive disorder, which is marked by persistent intrusive thoughts or compulsions to carry out specific behaviors (such as hand-washing).
Anxiety so frequently co-occurs with depression that the two are thought to be twin faces of one disorder. Like depression, it strikes twice as many females as males.
I specialize in all anxiety disorders, ranging from mild to extreme. Visit my website SYDNEYCERUTO.COM to learn more about how I approach anxiety from a neuro-psychotherapeutic approach.