Posted on January 19, 2018 by Gayle Kirk, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Learn more about my gifts and journey as a Channel, Psychic, Evidential Medium, Spiritual Healer, and Meditation Guide.
I am an international professional Channel, Psychic, Evidential Medium, Spiritual Healer, and Meditation Guide. I am a clear Channel of Divine love, light, peace, power, prosperity, wisdom, health, and well-being. For 25 years, Divine Spirit and I have helped thousands of people from around the world. I respect all relationships, races, ages, nationalities, religions, orientations, and backgrounds.
As a Meditation Guide, I create a safe, welcoming space to learn, heal, connect with Spirit, live as your Soul, and meet people who wish to grow spiritually. Experience a variety of guided meditations. Enjoy greater love, peace, joy, guidance, personal power, prosperity, health, and fulfillment.
My first experiences with Spirit were as a young child without any training or knowledge of this field. I was always very sensitive psychically and mediumistically. Even as a child, I was often psychically aware of the thoughts, feelings, and suffering of others. I sometimes knew of things that would happen in the future. I received information beyond my five physical senses, received channeled guidance from Spirit, and I felt the presence of loved ones in Heaven and Guides in the Spirit World. At age 7, I began naturally conscious channeling loving guidance and supportive messages from Spirit Guides to my younger brother Greg.
In my teenage years, I regularly spoke with loved ones in Heaven and Guides in the High Realms of Spirit. Some of the paintings and drawings I made were creatively influenced by those in the Spirit World and much better than my natural artistic abilities. I also frequently wrote beautiful poems and inspired, uplifting messages from Spirit that again were beyond my capabilites.
Shortly after my grandfather passed at age 13, my friend and I discovered a Ouija Board at her house. Almost every weekend, I would spend the night at her house. For the next 5 years and occasionally into our early twenties, we would say a prayer and use the Ouija Board to communicate with family members who had passed and with our Spirit Guides. The planchette on the Ouija Board would often move rapidly as we each only lightly touched it with our two fingers. Over the five plus years, we asked questions about our personal lives, life in general, spirituality, and about our Guides. We truly received accurate, loving, empowering guidance from the Spirit Realm. Although I teach other ways of developing your spiritual abilities, this method did help me to grow as a Psychic, Evidential Medium, and Channel.
Psychic experiences occurred randomly and spontaneously throughout my life. At age 38, I chose to develop my psychic, mediumship, channeling, and healing abilities through personal growth, spiritual development with respected teachers, and over 25 years of intensive training in a variety of metaphysical subjects. I continue to study, learn, and grow each day. I also now speak, write, facilitate, and teach classes online and in-person.
I have learned much after deeply studying healing, self-empowerment, relationships, living as our Soul in partnership with Spirit, and about creating love, joy, peace, personal power, prosperity, and health by connecting to the Divine within us. I have been working intimately with Spirit’s teachings my whole life to help me experience significant, positive life changes and profound, deep healing. I continue to do so.
I am truly touched by the personal journeys people have shared with me and how the guidance they received in their readings has helped them to have a better understanding of themselves, others, situations, and life for their personal growth, spiritual development, healing, and awakening. Their gratitude for the love and wisdom of Spirit and the connections with loved ones in Heaven have helped them to make incredible shifts in moving forward on their path of enlightenment and in discovering and deepening the connection with their Soul and Spirit.
My intention is to support you in having a deeply meaningful experience that greatly empowers you and enhances your life. Spirit and I look forward to helping you.
My earliest memory of conscious channeling is around age 7 to my younger brother in our bedroom at night.
When I channel guidance and messages from Guides and Angels in the High Realm of Spirit during a Private Reading, I am deeply relaxed in a slightly altered state of consciousness. My intuition is heightened and I am more impressionable for my Soul and Spirit to send me psychic information, guidance, and personal messages. The Guides and Angels communicate through a high form of telepathy. They impress my Soul with psychic pictures, words, and feelings which I then communicate to you.
During the reading, I describe what I psychically know, see, hear, feel, smell, and taste coming from Spirit, loved ones and pets in Heaven, as well as your energy. I may channel what I am hearing the Guides and Angels say word for word like dictation. The Guides and Angels may also lovingly speak directly to you through me as a group in one voice. They may also speak with you individually one at a time as themselves. The Guides and Angels ask you to listen to their wise guidance and consider what they have to say, rather than focusing on who they are. They have said their teachings are what is important.
As I channel, I often sense a pressure change in my ears along with a deep sense of Spirit’s love and peace embracing and filling me. My voice, way of speaking, and mannerisms may or may not change. I often have greater love, compassion, wisdom, patience, and understanding of things. I am often aware of most of what happens during the channeling. However, my waking awareness might drift off at times and I may forget some of the conversation as I come back to my normal awareness. I usually forget most of what was said in a reading shortly afterwards.
Guides and Angels in the High Realms of Spirit are available to all who ask for their help. Everyone can consciously, clearly channel or connect with their Soul and Divine Spirit’s love, joy, peace, power, wisdom, prosperity, healing, and creativity through deep surrender, trust, listening, intention, focus, allowing, practice, time, dedication, persistence, patience, detachment, integrity, honesty, and objectivity.
You may experience your Divine connection with your Soul and Spirit when feeling loving, peaceful, empowered, clearer, wiser, and more inspired than normal. It is often called channeling, inspiration, intuition, creativity, or “being in the zone”. You are able to live guided by your Soul and Spirit this inspired way in your daily life. It is how we are learning to live in this time of great awakening to higher conscious living so we may help create a loving, peaceful, united, harmonious, new, and better world for all.
Many people often ask me how long I’ve been doing this. The answer is, my whole life. It’s my life purpose, mission, and passion to learn how to be our most, how to live our best life, to find out how life supports us, understand life after physical death, and to connect with and follow guidance from our Soul, the Angels, and Spirit.
My earliest memory of communicating with Spirit is around age 7 when I consciously channeled Spirit to my younger brother Greg who was age 5 in our bedroom at night.
Many nights after dinner, my brother Greg and I would sit in the dark on the floor of our bedroom with the door closed in a wonderous, childlike, expectant way and wait for “Mr. Frog” (the name I gave to Spirit) to come. The way the street light illuminated our bedroom curtains created a shadow on the curtains that as a child I thought looked like a frog which is why I called Spirit “Mr. Frog”.
As I stared at the frog shaped shadow on the curtain, I intuitively used it as a focal point and became lightly transfixed which means my state of consciousness would slightly alter. When I felt the Presence of Spirit, I would tell my brother that “Mr. Frog” was here.
My brother Greg would ask me, “Gayle, what is Mr. Frog saying?”
My young, open mind became gently and lovingly blended, inspired, influenced, overshadowed or one with Spirit. This allowed me to conscious channel messages from Spirit. At age 7, I would easily and naturally channel simple messages of love, guidance, and support to my brother and myself from Spirit.
I have great compassion, empathy, and understanding for the loss of your loved ones.
Sadly, my brother Greg took his life at age 45 on July 17, 2008. His two daughters were teenagers at the time.
None of us were in his position or can say with certainty what we would have done had we been in his position. None of us know the depth of his pain, what he was thinking or the severity of his situation. All we can do is have compassion for him and learn to accept his decision with understanding and love and find ways to heal.
As we all certainly know, life can be very difficult and, at times, seem overwhelming. Life’s journey often has bumps in the road, hard knocks, and takes unexpected twists and turns. Eventually, divorce, depression, loneliness, despair, low self-esteem, alcohol, and Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy CTE overcame my brother. Dressed in full military uniform, he took his life so that he would stop feeling the immense pain that he carried for years.
I have nothing but unconditional love and great compassion for my brother, his suffering, and the difficult choice he made. I don’t condone his decision, nor do I condemn him for it.
Since my brother’s passing, I have had several visitation dreams where my brother and I have visited one another in the Spirit World. We even touched hands in one very powerful dream visitation as our Souls joined together in the Spirit World. Sometimes I feel his presence and hear him say his name when he is with me during my waking hours. He has healed significantly on the other side. He regrets the pain he has caused us, but reminds us that at the time, he felt he had no other choice. He is much happier now and he is with our loved ones, friends, and beloved family dog in Heaven.
I found the inner peace I was seeking through the signs and dreams I received from my brother and Spirit, the readings I received from others, the guidance my Spirit Guides and loved ones in Heaven provided me, and the personal healing I received over the years. I am aware that I am an eternal Soul too and that we can love one another and still communicate Soul to Soul. The bond of love is never broken.
I would be honored to help you with your healing.
Please see my website on Bob Olson’s BEST PSYCHIC DIRECTORY for more information and to contact me.
I offer Private and Family Readings via Telephone & Skype.
Gayle Kirk
North Carolina