Humans are connected to each other and the Earth - Big surprise!
Posted on January 18, 2018 by Sarah Gee, One of Thousands of Spirituality Coaches on Noomii.
Energy and the universe
Author: Sarah Gee
January 11, 2018
I just picked up the book “The Field” at Indigo and couldn’t help but think of how much of a coincidence it was that I chose that book. I’ve been watching so much Gaia lately (if you don’t know what that is, find out! It trumps regular TV and has 1000’s of interviews, documentaries and movies about spirituality, healthy living and all that stuff) that my everyday is a blur of thinking about how connected we all are.
I’ve been listening to YouTube videos a lot on the Law of Attraction and listening to Esther and Jerry Hicks, who say the same type of thing – that we are part of a bigger system we can’t even fathom. In fact, I saw a memorable and familiar quote on Gaia that stated something along the lines of the universe being stranger than we think, because it is stranger than we CAN think. I often think about how fish in a pond or the ocean don’t know they’re in water. They just know they are surrounded by something that helps them flow, navigate and feel predators/threats. We live in something similar too. I watched a Jerry Wills interview on Open Minds once, and he said something of the same tone. That when you breathe, think of inhaling all of the creation from around you. In yoga we teach that, but even as a teacher I never really understood the concept of the breath until I heard that.
This explains why you often get a call from someone you were thinking about, bump into someone you had a dream about or see the same signs in an entire day. For example, you keep seeing something to do with bumble bees (for example), and after the third time you notice a bumble bee on a billboard, as a stuffed animal and then physically see one buzzing in the garden, you finally go “okay that’s weird.” Then, it’s hard not to smile or catch yourself thinking about it when you notice a display at the store with all yellow and black shirts or see a yellow car whiz by and then a black truck. It’s a coincidence right? Aha – no, it isn’t at all. We are far more connected than we let ourselves know.
I think technology has exacerbated this as well. Now we don’t even have to make a vocal sound to talk to someone, we think it and then send it in a text. In yoga I learned you can pray in three ways – saying it loud for you body to hear, saying it in a whisper for your soul to hear, and thinking it for the universe to hear. The majority of our communications now are done through simply thinking them and commenting, liking, texting, emailing, etc. That might have more of an effect on the universe around us than we think.
Stay tuned until next time!