EMPLOYMENT STRATEGY - Value Proposition Speech for the Holiday Season
Posted on December 09, 2017 by Joanne Savoie Malone, One of Thousands of Executive Coaches on Noomii.
When job searching what do you say to family and friends about what you do for a living, your career or what is your job?
The holidays and 2018 are just around the corner and you are still looking for work. What are you dreading the most, not having a job or, what do you tell family and friends during the holidays get together? This sometimes can be more stressful than the actual search. This is another reason to have a value proposition speech prepared for any circumstances, even for friends and family. In your job search toolbox, you should have several versions and length of your introduction speech, even with your family and friends. This will keep you focused on the positive, not dread the question, and not feel hopeless. This will also make them understand what you do and what you are looking for. How often do you hear within your family “I have no idea what so and so does for a living”? So, put together your mini speech by starting with your title, how many years of experience, what you’re good at, what problem you solve. This will give the asker clarity about what you do and better able to have you “top of mind” if he sees or hears about an opportunity.
Ask me about my template and my ideas on how to create your value proposition speech for the holiday season.