What is stopping you from achieving your goals?
Posted on February 11, 2011 by Karla Turcotte, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Limiting beliefs can get in the way of achieving goals. This article talks about how to deal with limiting beliefs.
Limiting beliefs are the beliefs that we have that stop us from reaching our full potential. Here are some examples that you may have heard before:
- I’m not good enough…
- I’m not smart/pretty/strong enough…
- I’m not worthy of…
- I can’t because…
- I have always been poor/sad/unhealthy…
- I don’t deserve…
These beliefs keeps us stuck, preventing us from achieving our goals and leading the life we want. They are played over and over in our mind. Some of the belief we have may come from our childhood, religion, society, our parents or our companions and peers. In many ways, our beliefs help determine who we are and how we live our life. They provide structure and support for us. The positive thoughts strengthen us and the negative ones make us weaker.
The consequences of having limiting beliefs is that it can be a self fulfilling prophecy. The more you repeat this belief that “you are no good at a certain task” for example, the more you convince yourself that you can’t do it.
The good new is that it is possible to change these beliefs. Here is how to make the change:
1. Becoming aware of the negative belief: Listen to your self-talk as it echoes the beliefs you have come to accept as true. By noticing what you are telling yourself, you become aware of your belief and can decide if it needs to change. 2. Ask yourself if your belief is true: Do you truly believe that: (fill in the blank) – i.e. Is it true that I am not good enough? Do I truly believe that I am not good enough? 3. Change the language: The words we use have power. Some words have low-energy (negative words – read the list of example listed above and notice how you feel after reading that list) and some words have high-energy (positive words such as – achieve, beautiful, easy, free, funny, positive…). By changing the words we use, we change the outcome. Using the example from above, we can reframe this belief to say: I am good enough for… How does this statement make you feel? Remember, we manifest what we give the most energy and attention to.Whatever your goal is, your thoughts and words are creating your reality all the time. Start consciously paying attention to your internal chatter. Is it supportive or non-supportive? You have the ability to make your goals a reality. So, what is stopping you from achieving your goals?
Written by Karla Turcotte – Carpe Diem Coaching – www.karlaturcotte.com – (905) 696-6866
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