Posted on November 16, 2017 by Sydney Ceruto, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Mind Blowing theories on coincidence.
The occurrence of events in a random unplanned but the very specific way that solves a puzzle of life has been the norm of the day. The case sounds different to diverse groups of people, and thus many refer to it as luck. However, the nature of the occurrences implies vast concepts with regards to the life events and various fields involved in the course of time. Consider the case of a man hurrying to work but in the process forgets to wear his already planned tie. He realizes this quite a distance from his home and is, thus, left in a dilemma on what to do. On the other hand, his wife finds the tie and tries to call his office to inform him that he forgot the tie. In the process of calling the office, he confuses the dial and calls another number, which happened to be just the booth outside her husband’s office. To amazement, the man was right there, and in anxiety, reached to get the call, just to get that it was his wife. What a coincidence this must be! In view of this, coincidence has different connotations from different fields, but all synchronize to the fact that it is real.
There are different fields that have significantly tried to elaborate on the case of coincidences, reasoning quite a lot to explain this occurrence. Many of the research hold different but synchronizing views which imply significant concerns and resolutions with the case. Most people consider psychologists, neuroscientists, and mathematicians as a profound group of people that have explicitly handled the concern, reaching a specific conclusion on coincidences. Through researches and practical endeavors these specialists have been engaged in, it remains clear that there is always a chance and an explanation of things happening the way they are hence no need for alarm. On another note, humans are freethinkers, and amidst like and unlike-minded people, coincidences are inevitable. There is always a 50-50 chance that amidst a large group of people, events will occur or have already occurred which links them.
From a psychological point of view, individuals can understand the whole deal of coincidences from different angles. One of these is patterns; where psychologists consider that the human brain has a design in which it identifies patterns. Psychologists posit that humans are especially good at this due to the survival value attached to it. The essence of the understanding pattern has to do with prediction of the future scenarios or what is just to happen, which enables one to avoid danger or on the other hand, catch prey. In this regards, humans are always on the lookout for patterns and connections thereof, since they imply a great deal of survival to them. Additionally, the case enables man to see the patterns where they may be or where they may not be existing, and the case, therefore, transcends to the occurrence of coincidences.
Further, still, with the case of explaining coincidences on a psychological basis, there is a posted theory of unseen connections. In the view of this theory, it is always considered that man is not perfect and hence prone to error. In the faces of error is the prevalence of the theory at the play of unseen connection. Just as in the case of the example at the beginning of the paper, the wife to the tireless man experiences the case when he dials a wrong number which eventually turns out to be the booth next to her husband. The error of the woman and the man’s nearness to the telephone booth serves as the best example to elaborate on the theory of unseen connection. The theory is, however, furthered by the concept of anxiety and curiosity. Anxiety and curiosity are significant driving forces that serve to initiate a lot of speculations In the face of anxiety and curiosity; human being are pressurized to a certain thought pattern which may end in two or more people thinking in the same pattern and hence doing the same things. Patterns and unseen connections are relevant theories that explain coincidences on a psychological platform.
Throughout the discussion of the concept of coincidences, it remains valid that coincidences are real and not magic. From a psychologist’s point of view, patterns and unseen connection are the theoretical platforms that explain the coincidences. On the other hand, neuroscientists post that cognitive biases, a function of the brains is responsible for defining the concept. The case merges with that by mathematicians who have posted the law of huge numbers to guarantee an occurrence of coincidences. Further, on the spiritual side, the evidence of a Divine and Supreme Being as the orchestrator of all that takes place brings on the reality of the concept. Finally, the law of causality, where nothing happens without a cause, applicable to investigators and law enforcers makes the entire case accountable. In the view of all these theories and law posted, coincidences are real, and they all happen for a definite and precise purpose.