How Doctors Help in the Diagnose and Treatment of Spondylolisthesis in Colorado
Posted on November 10, 2017 by Scott Dhupar, One of Thousands of Health and Fitness Coaches on Noomii.
Patients may easily find an expert dealing with Spondylolisthesis in Colorado to get the necessary diagnose and treatment within less possible.
Spondylolisthesis implies a health condition, when a particular bon present in the back portion or vertebra slides forward on another bone beneath it. This condition usually takes place in the lower spinal cord area. In some of the cases, this problem results in squeezing of the nerve roots or spinal cord to cause weakness or numbness in legs and a severe back pain.
However, the positive thing in this case is that patients may easily find an expert dealing with Spondylolisthesis in Colorado to get the necessary diagnose and treatment within less possible span of time.
How Doctors Work
Diagnose of the Problem
Before your doctor recommend for any specific treatment, he diagnose your problem. For this, doctor looks at the X-rays of a patient’s back in case of suspecting the problem of Spondylolisthesis. X-rays display cracks or fractures (if any) present in the vertebral portion of a patient’s back or identify in case the vertebral nerve slip out from its place. Even a few doctors also recommend for MRI or CT scan to pinpoint the exact damage and thereby, guide in the treatment.
Treatment of the Problem
Basic Medicines and Recommendations
Doctors at the Colorado Spine and Orthopedic Center start the treatment by simply recommending their patients to stop every physical activity that may result in the vertebral damages. To give further relieve to the pain of patients, they prescribe naproxen/Aleve or ibuprofen/Advil or any other similar type of non-steroidal drug.
Physical Therapy
Doctors recommend for physical therapy to help patients by building up of back and stomach muscles or by providing core-strengthening technique. In addition, doctors may recommend for losing of weight for overweight people.
Surgical Treatment
When the nerve, back or lower body pain becomes extreme or bones movement takes place consistently in case of spondylolisthesis-based spinal cord damage, doctors at Colorado Spine and Orthopedic Center recommend for the surgery to remove tissues and bones to create pressure on the nerves or spinal cord.
Alternatively, doctors go with the surgical process for fusing the spinal bones in their right positions. In some cases, doctors opt for both fusion and decompression during the surgery. After you undergo with any of the mentioned surgeries or both, you have to wear a back brace or a cast for a while.
Rehabilitation Therapy
Finally, doctors take you for rehabilitation therapy, which help you to get back the actual strength in your muscles and go for easy body movements.