Is Society's Definition of Sacrifice Robbing You?
Posted on October 02, 2017 by Mike Almeyda, One of Thousands of Executive Coaches on Noomii.
Understanding the different perspectives of sacrifice.
We can’t always believe what we see on television. There are some things that can’t be taken for face value. Take the word “sacrifice” for instance. What has society associated it with? IDENTITY. We live in a world where most people believe that making a sacrifice is the only way to live the good life. We also live in a world that says if you don’t make sacrifices, you’re a bad person. Each of these ideals is rooted in one’s individual identity. Should we live according these defining boundaries?
The reality is that sacrifice come from perspective. While its a great idea to petition others’ opinions from time to time, true sacrifice is best discovered from within. The other night, I was at a men’s group talking about this very subject and one response was intriguing. One of the participants said, “Sacrifice is the beginning of discipline.” Let that sink in for a moment. Breaking a bad habit requires discipline. Saving for retirement requires discipline. Sacrifice of something is definitely required in both situations. If you need discipline in your life, what are you willing to sacrifice for it?
As you go through your life’s journey, you have to be willing to give up in order to go up. Is giving up frivolous spending worth creating generational wealth? Is giving up the desire to eat junk food worth living disease and pain free? Is crushing your self-limiting beliefs worth living the life you were designed for? What action will you take today to shape your perspective of sacrifice moving forward?