Pleading for a Reason: Looking Inside for Your Essence
Posted on September 28, 2017 by Kitty Fallon, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
This reflection invites you to go within instead of outside yourself to identify your purpose, direction, and sense of value.
I spoke recently with a gentlemen whose eyes pleaded for a reason to continue living. Have you ever felt so lost or disconnected, or even dis-oriented, from your sense of purpose or direction? Where do you look for it? In what do you seek it? Our culture, for example, encourages us – particularly men – to find our sense of purpose in what we accomplish, what we do, know, and produce. Increasingly women face the challenge of juggling these expectations along with nurturing relationships – whether personal or professional. In other words, do you tend to look outside yourself for your reason, your sense of purpose and direction?
If your orientation is external for your sense of purpose and value, what impact does that have on your life pace? Who determines your sense of worth? Ever find yourself mired down in endless to-do lists, feeling overwhelmed and like you’re barely staying afloat? If I just finish this one more project, this one more task, I’ll feel better, you race ahead desperately. Has this ever led to your traveling down a bumpy path of guilt, shame, self-blame, and self-judgment when you just can’t keep up? It’s like your quality of life feels just beyond your grip no matter how fast you try to catch it. Whew!
What if you were dis-oriented? Instead of looking outside, what if your source of purpose, direction, and value was internal? What if you discovered – at your essence – you are well, whole, and your gift to this world is in how you move through your days and not what you accomplish? What if you discovered there is a whole universe that has your back? What if, seemingly ironically, discovering you always were enough and your compass is inside – not outside – inspires you to co-create, with that universe that has your back, a life that is you sharing your unique self with the world?
How might that alter how you feel about yourself, your place in the world, and your pace? How might you see differently the items on your to-do list? Just consider it; what do you have to lose?