How to have a conversation with someone who has an opposing viewpoint
Posted on September 26, 2017 by Mindy Aisling, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
It's important to know how to have a constructive conversation with someone who holds a different opinion than you. Here are some tips!
So, you’ve found yourself in a situation where you are having a conversation, a Facebook discussion, or a text battle with someone who has a different opinion than you. Maybe it is even an opinion that you vehemently disagree with, or causes you to have bile rise up from your gut. It’s okay. Here’s how to handle it.
1. Take a Time Out.
If you are feeling angry, defensive and reactionary – you are in your reptile brain, and there are only three things you can do in your reptile brain: Fight, Flight or Freeze. Since these three things will not help to have a productive conversation, you need to get back into your cortex or thinking brain. For more about that reactionary space, also known as an amygdala hijack, or being in your reptile brain, check out my blog at
2. Listen.
Okay, now that you are back in your cortex and you can operate like a human and not a reptile, the first order of business is to listen. Now, let me tell you a secret about listening… most people don’t know how to do it. The lack of listening skills is epidemic in our American culture. I have a blog on listening at, but these are the basics you need to know in a situation where you are conversing with someone with a vastly different opinion than you.
a) Listen closely to their point of view.
b) Ask curious open questions to further understand where they are coming from.
c) Repeat back to them in your own words your understanding of their position.
d) Ask if your understanding is correct.
e) Continue this process until you get a response like this:
“Yes! That’s spot on”
“You said it even better than I could have said it”
“Yes! You totally get me!”
Then, and ONLY THEN, can you go to step three:
3. Share your position. Now that you are positive that you’ve heard and understood the other person, you can clearly express your opinion. To allow yourself to be more easily heard, use these tips:
a) Be aware of your energy. Let’s be honest, when someone thinks that you are wrong, dumb or foolish – you can feel that energy. All of us have had a time when we’ve experienced someone’s words being nice, but their energy saying something very different. So, keep your energy open and curious.
b) Keep your Language Positive. Stay away from name calling, labeling, or using sweeping generalizations.
• Name calling looks like this: “Those people are bums” “He’s a cry-baby” “What an entitled brat” “That son-of-a-bitch”.
• Labeling looks like this: “That is a liberal agenda”, “What an over-reaction”, “It is ridiculous to _____”, “What a paranoid thing to say”
• Sweeping generalizations look like this: “All Republicans think _______”, “Liberals always ___________”, “Christians are __________”
c) Use Expansive Words. Stay away from closed words like “always” and “never” that limit possibilities. This also includes ‘should-ing on’ people. Don’t ‘should’ on someone. No one should be a different way. Allow others to be exactly who they are. For a list of expansive language, visit
d) Do not use sarcasm. Sarcasm can often be misunderstood and can frequently feel like a put-down. If you do use sarcasm, clarify it and your reasons for using it.
e) No ad hominem attacks. This basically means, do not direct your argument against the person, remember to direct it at the position they are maintaining.
f) Offer Respect. Never be disparaging with another human. ALL of us have value and our environments created all of the opinions, feelings, and thoughts we each have. Stay open and curious about why the other person sees the world as they do (especially if it’s vastly different than your own worldview).
g) Check-in. Ask the person to repeat in his or her own words what you have said so that you can make sure that no miscommunication has occurred.
You can repeat this process as many times as you need to. Even if both of you walk away retaining your original opinions, you will walk away feeling good because you have been heard, accepted, acknowledged and respected.
It’s not about forcing people to think like us and be like us, folks. It is about sharing ourselves in an open and vulnerable way and listening to others with the intent to understand them.
This is communication. This is how we make a difference in the world.